Cetia Character in Allansia | World Anvil


Cetia, Goddess of the Sun

Wife of the Moon God Dhuksus, Cetia is Goddess of the Sun and Mother to Aznir and Inon. She is the 'Bringer of Light', guardian of the barrier to The Material Realm and one of the Elder Gods.   


  Cetia is associated with the Cleric domains of life, light and war.    Cetia's name is synonymous with destiny, hope, justice and dawn. Cetia also holds purview over the dawn and the day and as such, all prayer and worship rituals in her name take place during these times.   


  Unsurprisingly, Cetia is represented by either a full or half sun, often etched in gold, but more commonly in simple bright colours such as yellow or white. Her symbol can commonly be found within judicial buildings around Allansia and it is not uncommon for City Guards to pray to her as their prime deity.    On a more mystical note, tarot readers and fortune tellers will often use her symbol to attract custom, despite this being an offence to do so. Divinators at her temples are able to, with enough time, glean visions of the future and her high priestesses are often gifted with the power of foresight, sharing this information with those of import, who are able to affect the greatest change.   


  Aside from her statue within The Temple of the Gods in the city of Chalice, temples to Cetia can be found in most larger cities throughout Allansia.    Whilst the decor varies, the commonality between Cetia's temples is light, and all are generally filled with burning torches and braziers, supplemented by mage light, so much light that those who reside permanently within her temple hearts often lost their sight after a few years. Personal worship to Cetia can take many forms but usually involves placing a single gold piece into a fire and saying a short prayer. The gold can then be retrieved and is usually cool to the touch immediately after the prayer has been said, indicating that Cetia has heard it.
Divine Classification
Elder God
Domain of Life 
Domain of Light 
Domain of War 

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