The Before Times in Aligar 2.0 | World Anvil

The Before Times

This era comes after the Era of the Long Lived and before The Awakening.   After magic ceased to exist at the end of the Era of the Long Lived and the elves were nearly wiped out, the Before Times was a time for the other species to find their footing in Aligar. In this era society had to rebuild itself and learn to live and survive without magic. Humans, dwarves, and gnomes become the dominate races at this time. The small pockets of elves that survived the fall can be found in Shaedor in the Forest of the Long Lived, they stick to themselves and are wary of outsiders. In addition, their lives are significantly shortened, still longer than the other species, they are not nearly as long as they were in the age before. This is an era of change and conquests. As the age progresses and the species have become stronger, they have wars for territory and technology.   Around the middle of the era, magic makes a reappearance. It started as a small spark and slowly increases in the populations as the era progresses.  

The Races



Nearly extinct, there is still a substantial population of elves in Solaris and pockets in Shaedor 


The humans in Shaedor continue to expand their kingdoms. Magic makes an appearance in humans near the beginning of the era, by the end of the era humans have learned how to utilize magic and near the end of the era the ability if frequently found in humans.


The loxodon in both Shaedor and Onira stick to the deserts and establish their cities.    

Notable Military Conflicts

Cover image: by Errin Casano


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