Session 6: The Mine part 3 Report in Aligar 2.0 | World Anvil

Session 6: The Mine part 3

General Summary

We start in the last leg of the mine, all but Kaylin have been trapped in a web by the drow arachnomage. It is dark, it is hot, and zombies are attacking our heroes. Will they make it through this adventure?   Zanril starts us off by insulting the zombie, the zombie is not a wise creature and fell for the mockery. Kaylin, free from the web, cast ensnaring strike and shoots a zombie with her long bow, nearly killing it. Daeran uses his rapier to viciously stab and finish off the first zombie. Rorick brakes free from the web, brushes himself off, and navigates through the web covered corridor to get closer to the zombies. Solto peaked through his companions and shot another zombie with a poison crossbow bolt, striking it in the shoulder. That zombie went to hit Daeran but was too distracted and misses. Zanril hits that zombie with his dagger and finishes him off.   kaylin attempted to free solto, but the web was just too much for her right now. Solto is still trapped. She leaves him and moves deeper into the mine to see if she could see anything. Daeran brakes out of the web and moves down into the cave, opposite direction from Kaylin. Rorick tried to rip out Zanril and made a little progress but he is still stuck, he moved deeper into the cave towards Kaylin. Solto breaks out of the web and moves toward Daeran, deeper into the cave. A zombie appears from the depths of the mine punches Daeran in the face. Zanril moves closer to the zombie that attacked Daeran and Solto, not yet close enough to strike. Kaylin shot the zombie that surprised Rorick. She hits with her long bow. Daeran cast insightful fighting and was able to sneak up on the zombie and slashed him across the face. Rorick used firebolt against the other zombie catching the remnants of his clothes on fire. Solto shoots the zombie with both crossbows and murders the zombie and moves deeper into the mine. Another zombie has shambled out of the mine towards Rorick and Kaylin.   Zanril moves closer to the lava river in the middle of the mine, he ponders for a second and then jumps across and lands on the other side. Kaylin casts zephyrs strike and hits the zombie with her long bow. The bolt strikes true, hitting its chest, the force was so great it not only got knocked down but threw his heart from his body. Daeran sneaks into the tunnel the zombie came from and found a dead end, that zombie must have been mining the obsidian.   The last zombie makes a bee line towards Rorick and Kaylin. Rorick pondered for a second and decided to cast burning hands on the last zombie and then move backward. Solto attempted to stealth, was unsuccessful, and decided to dash down the mine path away from the group. Zanril sneaks further into the mine and sees and ogre zombie with his back tuned toward him. He tries to sneak past. Kaylin moves closer to the last zombie and kills it.   The party regroups. Zanril tries to cross the lava lake to rejoin the party via an old mine track bridge. Zanril motions for everyone to follow him quietly and moves back across to the side of the lake the ogre is on. In an attempt to cross the lava river, Daeran tries to push the cart, he falls down, barely holding onto the tracks but manages to pull himself back onto the bridge. Daeran decides to get into the cart, no one is able to push him so he gets out on Zanril's side, and ties a rope to it. Solto gets into the cart and Zanril and Daeran pull him across. Rorick tripped a step in, one knee on track one leg dangling toward the lava, in a hurry, Kaylin tripped over him but was able scuttle back to solid land. After some encouragement from Zanril they are able to dash across.   Zanril tells the rest of the heroes about the ogre zombie. Rorick dashes ahead of the party toward the zombie, sees it, gets scared, and moves back a bit. Kaylin inches closer and debates on where to shoot from, shoots the ogre zombie in the hand and runs away. Solto stealthily moves down the mine shaft and shoots him twice. The ogre zombie looks around confused, he cannot see who shot him. Daeran moves closer to the ogre zombie and casts insightful fighting, the ogre is not very charismatic, he uses his hand crossbow, hits the ogre zombie's fighting arm giving him disadvantage on all attacks. Zanril prepairs to throw a dagger. The ogre moves away from the heroes to get reienforcements. Rorick moves to chase him. and casts firebolt singing the hair on the orge. Kaylin moves closer to the ogre, casts Zyphers Strike to increase her movement and uses her long bow to hit the ogre zombie. Solto dashed out of the tunnel to see the ogre zombie, he pulled out his crossbow and shot him and killed him. Solto pocketed the whistle and book. Daeran found some mining tools, Rorick found a scroll of fireball.   Our heroes have found themselves in a large room with some sort of lava processing machinery. Solto investigated the dead ogre zombie and found a magic whistle and a book - Billy's Complete Guide to Mining for the Necromancer Daeran found some mining tools, Rorick found another scroll of fireball.
Game Date
4 Dustus 2800
Report Date
15 Nov 2020
Primary Location

Cover image: by Errin Casano


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