Session 3: Rescuing Charlee part 2 Report in Aligar 2.0 | World Anvil

Session 3: Rescuing Charlee part 2

General Summary

Our heroes inspected the skeleton that Charlee was captive in. After a few failed climbing attempts Solto and Zanril made it to the ribcage. After some very pathetic displays of strength they used a crowbar to break out a rib. Zanril created a questionable pulley system to lower Charlee to the water where Daeran and Rorick caught her. Rorick used his medical knowledge to revive her and support her out of the forest. Kaylin knew the way and led our heroes back to town. The townspeople rejoiced and threw them a party. There was much singing and drinking.   In the morning our heroes made their way to Edenbvrg. As they approached the gate they encounter a loxodon mumbling about end times and de-forestation. Our heroes challenged the guards fee to get into the city but ended up paying it anyway. Was it legitimate? They were not so sure. Once in the city they remembered that they were supposed to collect herbs from someone. Daeran remembered that they were from someone named Maren. They should have asked questions about the job posting before leaving The Dancing Pirate.   They asked around the small city, not many people were paying attention to them but eventually they heard someone mention a pet shop. That is how our heroes ended up at Wags to Riches. Zanril told Maren that they were there to pick up herbs for Fluffy. While she was preparing the package our heroes browsed the pet shop. Will they end up with some pets? When Maren returned they took the herbs and immediately made their way to the next town.   Our heroes arrived in Barremay just in time for dinner. The acquired food and rooms at the Ruby Arrow Tavern.

Rewards Granted

Bufos Draconii
  • 5 x Brass
  • 5 x Yellow to Dark Red
  • 4 x Bronze
  • 4 x Ivory
  • 2 x Bright Blue
Game Date
3-4 Dustus 2800
Report Date
25 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Errin Casano


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