Session 28: Carla, Thea, and The Plan Report in Aligar 2.0 | World Anvil

Session 28: Carla, Thea, and The Plan

General Summary

Our heroes spend an afternoon shopping and replenishing their supplies. In the early afternoon they headed to Carla's office, she is interested to see them and tells them that one of her spies has gone missing. Her  name is Thea and she had some important information that would help bring down Kalral. Last Carla heard, Thea had made it back to Black Crystal and was captured by someone she assumes belongs the the Order of the Rebel Jewel. Our heroes decide to rescue her. Zanril easily finds the café Thea was last seen in front of. Our heroes go into the alley behind the café and find a manhole cover with a scuffle skid mark. They head into the sewers, Kaylin looses her lunch from the stench, Daeran steps out of the small room with the ladder and runs into a member of the Order. Daeran convinces him that they belong and the rest of the heroes are with him. The member of the Order reluctantly agrees and walks away. Our heroes decide that Daeran will lead and Solto and Rorick will pretend to be captured spies, Kaylin and Zanril will follow behind. They talk to a few members of the Order until they finally reach the room Thea is being kept, the captain guarding her steps out of the room to talk. He tells our heroes to put the two captees into an adjacent room. Zanril paralyzed the captain and pushed him into the sewer. Daeran barged into the room and told Thea they were here to rescue her. They all ran for the exit. Once on the surface our heroes headed back to Carla's office and got information from Thea. She even drew them a rough map of the island and outside of the tower. Our heroes head to the Dancing Pirate to see if George has any insight. Zanril sends a message to Charlee and Jimmy and receives an acknowledgement that the messages were received.  

The Plan

  1. Stake out a graveyard to see if zombies are collecting bodies
  2. Follow these zombies to the lake
  3. Take over their boat
  4. Take the boat and hide it somewhere
  5. Repeat for all three boats

Other Ideas:

  • Cut off dead body supply
  • Find patterns on where people are going missing from- basic pattern to grab bodies- wizard of the forge cartographer
  • Have George collect information and look out for patterns- connect him with the cartographers
  • Charlee's mom the herbalist must have heard something
  • Cut off means of escape for the necromancer
  • Get the government/ local authorities to help
  • Get the church involved, Zanril shot this down
Game Date

14 Uural 2800
Report Date
25 Jul 2021
Primary Location

Cover image: by Errin Casano


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