Session 26: Traversing the Lake Report in Aligar 2.0 | World Anvil

Session 26: Traversing the Lake

General Summary

Our heroes reached the edge of the lake and while they were discussing ways to cross the lake Solto noticed something glinting from a large boulder near the lakes edge. Under further investigation he found two cylindrical metal pieces embedded into the rock. Darean took a look and noticed that they were very similar to hinges. Our heroes all used their strength to push this boulder over. Underneath was a large red button, without hesitation, Zanril pushed it. Electricity filled the air and and a shining blue portal appeared. Solto braved the unknown and stepped into the portal. on the other side he found ruins floating in a void, in the center was some sort of dark mass and on the far side was another portal. He traveled back to the party and relayed this information. They all decided to step through and attempt to reach the other portal. The black mass turned out to be a voidling. The center pulsed with a green light and tendrils of darkness seemed to methodically float around it. Kaylin and Daeran noticed that as they stepped closer the pulsing became quicker until finally the mass felt threatened enough to turn off the gravity. Rorick and Zanril were able to grab onto ruins but the rest of the party hovered 10 feet in the air. Daeran tried to throw a rope to Rorick but he was unable to catch it, Rorick then tried throwing a rope to Solto but Solto could not catch it either. Suddenly the gravity came back on and everyone fell to the ground. The voidling initiated battle but was quickly defeated by our heroes. They all made it through the other portal and found themselves next to a lake but not in the same place they started.   In the distance they noticed some tall stone spires with flickering lights in the windows and a well worn path leading towards these spires. Our heroes followed this path until they reached truly massive iron gates. Solto noticed a trail of tiny spiders leading away from the gate, he remembered the riddle at the end of his book and thought it would be a good idea to follow the spiders. Our heroes crept along the wall until they came to a fast talking construct. The construct was more than happy to lead them to the spider cave. They headed down a ravine, away from the city, and came to a cave covered in old webbing. Our heroes followed the advice of Solto's book and burned the webs. As the fire blazed they could hear the screeching of burning spiders, the fire took a little bit of time to burn itself out and thankfully no one noticed they were there. Our heroes headed deep into the cave and eventually came across an ornate door. Solto proudly shouted "Your Mind" and the door's lock clicked. Kaylin used a potion of Clairvoyance to see through the door. It was Jeff's library! Our heroes piled through the door and approached Jeff. Solto asked Jeff for Heimdallr and Jeff handed it over. Jeff offered our heroes a trip back to the surface, after a bit of debate it was decided that he would take them half way between Lightfalls and Barrymay. Lucas was ready to go home, this was enough adventure for a lifetime, Solto paid him 50 gold for his service.
Game Date

13 Uural 2800
Report Date
11 Jul 2021

Cover image: by Errin Casano


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