Kingdom of Ironhome Organization in Algaress | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Ironhome

The Kingdom of Ironhome is a dwarven nation in The Bulrak Mountains, ruled by Gandred Gutbuster, the 21st king.


5550 BYD: Bulrak Havenhead and his followers discover a mountain range in southeastern Dreonica. Bulrak names the mountains after himself (The Bulrak Mountains) and they begin to dig into the mountain, forming the city of Khabulran. The city flourished under his rule.   5483 BYD: An army of giants and orcs attempt to destroy Khabulran and reclaim the mountain for themselves. Bulrak mans the defenses at the city's great gate, using a mixture of magic and martial prowess to hold off the invaders until all his people are safe and the gate is closed and sealed. Bulrak summoned a great avalanche of ice and rock, burying himself and the invading army, and hiding the city of Khabulran from the outside world.   4873 BYD: Nebari Staff-Walker discovers The Bulrak Mountains, and identifies them as consistent with the writings of Bulrak's visions.   4872 BYD: Nebari Staff-Walker finds the lost city of Khabulran, and opens it up the outside world. Inside, the dwarves have flourished, mining into the mountain's depths. They have become completely self sufficient, using magic to create sunlight and grow things indoors. Great massive caverns house whole farms and even a great forest which is harvested for lumber.   4870 BYD: The mountain is besieged by an army of orcs, led by Glogor, an orc chieftain who rose to divinity. An alliance of dwarves, gnomes, and halflings defat Glogur and his army, though Nebari dies during the fighting, crashing her gnomish airship into the god. Her husband, Grodrik Gutbuster, is named King of the Bulrak mountains.   3000 BYD: The King sends an envoy of dwarves to meet with the newly formed nation of The Woods of Old Yudath. The envoy never returns and the king forbids any trade with the wood elves, suspecting that they were killed.   435 BYD: The city of Teramund appears on the other side of The Lake of Salt. The Bulrak Mountains find themselves under attack from Teramund, and enter into an unlikely alliance with The Kingdom of Dhalmass and The Woods of Old Yudath. This is known as The War of the Three Kingdoms.   430 BYD: The War of the Three Kingdoms ends. The combined forces of the dwarves, elves, and humans prove too much for Teramund. The city recalls all of its troops and signs a peace treaty, agreeing to honor their borders. As part of this treaty, Teramund is allowed to exist as an independent city-state.   Year of Darkness: During the Year of Darkness, The Bulrak Mountain's defenses were heavily tested. The lands around the mountain became dead as armies of the undead rose from them and sought to kill off the living. While most undead (save the occasional ghost) were unable to cause real damage to the kingdom, they were effectively cut off from outside aid. After the darkness passed, the lands around them remained cursed and with many roaming hordes of undead. This keeps The Bulrak Mountains isolated from the rest of the world.
Founding Date
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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