Kibbo Character in Algaress | World Anvil
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Kibbo (Key-Bow)

Chief Kibbo

Kibbo was a dragonblooded warrior and sorcerer, a devotee of the dwarven god Forhakin Soulforger, and learned to harness his magic to develop draconic powers.  He founded the village of Fire's Rest after overthrowing the previous chief of his redscaled kobold tribe, and through his leadership, made peace with the humans and dwarves of the region, and transitioned his people from violent raiders to agriculture and crafting.  He was gifted with the ability to turn into a full dragon by the Soulforger after helping to save the region from destruction at the hands of a foul necromancer, saving all the dwarves of the Stoneforge Mountains.  When not in his dragon form, he wears a suit of magical mithral full plate, a gift from the dwarves of Stoutforge Hall, his neighbors and allies, and wields a magical adamantine hammer, the first gift he received from The Soulforger himself.  The hammer can be thrown and will fly back into Kibbo's hands.  Between his martial abilities, his dragon abilities, and his magic, which his armor does not inhibit, he is a powerful defender of the lands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kibbo is fit warrior, both strong and agile, and considered good looking amongst kobolds.

Identifying Characteristics

Kibbo has very pronounced metallic red scales, tougher and more plentiful then one would normally on a kobold, due to his enhancement of the dragon blood in his veins.  He also has scaly red wings, sharp teeth, and sharp claws at the end of his arms.

Special abilities

  • Proficient with simple and martial weapons, as well as all kinds of armors and shields.
  • He wields arcane magic in the sixth circle, though it is more potent then other sorcerers of similar power.
  • His physical abilities are enhanced from his studies into his bloodline, making him stronger, stouter, and more intelligent than a normal kobold.  
  • He also has thick skin and scales like a dragon, as well as sharp claws and teeth that can be used as deadly weapons.
  • He can breathe fire and fly.
  • His senses are more developed, closer to a dragons, allowing him to use his nonvisual senses to notice things around him that others may not perceive.  
  • He can transform into a huge red dragon and hold that form at will.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually he can be seen in comfortable robes of black and gold, but in battle he wears a suit of magical mithral plate, a gift from his dwarven allies and neighbors.  At all times he carries an adamantine warhammer imprinted with the symbol of Forhakin Soulforger, the dwarven creator deity.

Specialized Equipment

  • A magical adamantine warhammer.  The warhammer can erupt into fire at it's wielders will, as well as can be thrown, in which it will return to Kibbo after reaching or missing it's target.  Kibbo was gifted this in a dream from Forhakin Soulforger, and when he woke up, he found that the hammer was still in his possession.
  • A magical set of mithril plate, this provides him maximum protection in his kobold form while still allowing him to cast spells.  This was a gift from the dwarves of Stoutforge Hall.
  • He wears the crown of the previous chieftain, which enhances his spellcasting and natural charms, as well as natural protections.  It also protects him from fear.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Overthrew the previous chief of the redscale kobolds.
  • Founded the village of Fire's Rest
  • Transitioned his people successfully from scavengers and raiders to farmers and builders.
  • Helped to defeat the necromancer Vakius Orvior and prevented his plan to destroy the region.
  • Made peace with the dwarves and humans around the Darkwood Forest
  • Mastered the sixth circle of arcane magic, as well as wearing armor while wielding magic
  • Enhanced his own dragon blood to the point where he has several dragon characteristics and can transform into a dragon as he desires.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kibbo is highly intelligent, he absorbs books as he can acquire them, and is well versed in the lore of arcane magic, dragons, and dwarves, as well as his own people.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1268 AYD 23 Years old
Known Languages
Fluent in Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Sylvan, and Undercommon.  He can understand more through the use of magic.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Fighter 2/Sorcerer 4/Dragon Disciple 10


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