Aranxes Softmane Character in Alephon | World Anvil

Aranxes Softmane

Aranxes Softmane

Aranxes, Youngest son of the Softmane Family, likes rare trinket/items and can see through your lie

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has a well built body

Facial Features

Slant Eyebrows

Physical quirks

walks/stand with hands around his back most of the time, left ear is pierced,

Special abilities

seeing through bullshit

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a trench coat that has a white mane around the collar, underneath the coat he wears his dark grey leather armor

Specialized Equipment

Calling your bullshit

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aranxes Softmane is the youngest child of the Softmane family. Aranxes grew up in the continent of Aethoria, he has two older sister Welphina and Zinlana, the oldest brother Warros. His parents rarely interact with him, his mom is more focus on the girls and his father is readying the oldest to take his place one day, so Aranxes is just by himself most of the time When Warros is by himself he teaches Aranxes what father tells him such as reading people and noble politics. One day Aranxes grew bored and wander around the castle eventually leading to the dungeon, there he met a thief that was caught earlier in the day. Aranxes converse with the thief leading to interesting story about what the thief stole and his skills in thievery. Everyday Aranxes visited the dungeon and spoke with the thief, the thief offered to train Aranxes since he keeps him company and in return he will help him escape, since no one cares about Aranxes absence he was left to learn the ways of thievery and when the thief taught everything he knew to Aranxes, he escaped with Aranxes help. With newfound knowledge, Aranxes took trinkets and items from every noble he came across getting better the more he did it. Getting used to stealing small trinkets from nobles Aranxes wanted to try something bigger. His family was invited to a party, and many nobles were gather there. During the party Aranxes saw what looks like a Dragon scale in a glass casing. Aranxes being fascinated with the scale took it for himself, leaving behind a similar item to cover his tracks. After a while Aranxes got bored with taking trinkets from nobles and decided to travel around the world to find more unique or rare trinkets.

Gender Identity



Likes All kinds of women (Mainly Muscular Women)


Being born a noble he has access to almost the best information a human can get their hands on.


He doesn't have a job, his main source or income comes from his family

Mental Trauma

Has parent problems

Morality & Philosophy

He has a code that he sticks too but if someone is a total asshole he will crush that person spirit

Personality Characteristics


Never has gotten attention from his family ever since his childhood so he tries to go off and do something worthy of attention

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Music, Unique or Rare trinkets

Vices & Personality flaws

can come to the wrong conclusion when catching someone out on their lie

Personality Quirks

Cracks his fingers with his thumb


Does the best to keep himself clean


Contacts & Relations

he has access to have an audience from any local nobles within his home area

Family Ties

The Softmane Family

Religious Views

None he thinks religion is simple minded


Kind but will call out your bullshit


Wealth & Financial state

The Wealth of the Softmane Family

Noble that can see through your lies

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Currently Traveling
Dark Brown (left eye is a lighter than the right)
Wavy Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant. Just recently he has been studying Dwarvish and doesn't fluently speak it