Li-Trix Character in Alephon | World Anvil


Li-Trix (a.k.a. Trix)

He was part of a small nomadic group of traders but was always more interested in glory and arcane mysteries. When his group discovered a Steel Dragon scale he ventured on his own to lift the mysteries behind it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Trix is pretty small and slender even for his kind.

Identifying Characteristics

Trix has very intelligent eyes that usually skirt around to scan the area and has a small scar from a wild animal under his left eye as well as several others all over his body.

Physical quirks

Trix is fast but not very agile

Special abilities

Even though he specialized in swordfight he is also a novice magician

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Li-Trix grew up with his family, a group of trading nomads on the continent of Nurasti. He was the smallest of his group and is a bit sensible about his size. His job in the group was to fight off the wildlife and bandits. His younger brother would soon join him too in his occupation. His mother did most of the handwork while his dad was the scavenger and trained his sons for combat. Their elder, Trix's grandfather was a magician and handled the trade with outsiders. He taught Trix some arcane knowledge in the few free moments. Roughly 3 months ago, Trix found the scale of a Steel Dragon while helping his father, who was scavenging for tools, gems and other valuables in an abandoned mineshaft. It was neatly tucked in a decorated box which was loosely sitting in a pile of rubble and broken crates. It looked completely out of place. When they returned back to their group, they showed the box and the contained scale to the elder, who recognized some arcane symbols on the box. Trix, who loved arcane mysteries and was bored with the life of a trader, wanted to travel the world, lifting the mystery of the scale and getting riches and glory. The rest of the group was not fond of this idea, but Trix insisted on it. After 3 days of back and forth they let him go under the condition that he return alive, no matter what. They got him the best equipment they could afford in the nearest town, selling the box in the process and some final training in both magic and combat until he finally left his group one week after he found the scale.

Gender Identity



Straight (only Raptorkin)


Trix didn't have an education in the traditional sense. He learned the basics of survival and how to defend the group from his parents and a bit of magic and arcane knowledge from the groups elder. Due to the call for glory and mysteries he left before being particularly good in either.


Trix is currently unemployed and does whatever he needs too to get money or information. He tends to no stay in any place for too long.

Intellectual Characteristics

Trix is always eager to learn more about the arcane and more recently about the scale of a Steel Dragon that his group discovered. While he isn't a genius, he is pretty intelligent when his pride doesn't hinder his thinking.

Morality & Philosophy

Trix does not like violence between intelligent races and will try to intervene. Still, he values his own life above all and will ignore his own moral compass if someone hurts his pride enough.

Personality Characteristics


Trix is driven by glory and the appeal of unsolved mysteries as well as the continued search for arcane knowledge to hone his magical skills.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Food, fair fights (not to the death), glory, mysteries, the color green, nature Dislikes: Big Cities, unnecessary* violence, un-honorable* behavior   * These are defined by him and might vastly vary depending on his current mood, yes he is kind of a hypocrite

Personality Quirks

Even though Trix knows better and is decently skilled with the arcane arts, he will usually just call them magix.


Contacts & Relations

The only people Trix really knows are his group of traveling nomads, consisting of his parents, one younger brother and his grandfather, the elder. Ever since he went away to adventure he didn't have any contact, though his grandfather said that he would somehow contact him if the need ever came.

Religious Views

Trix acknowledges the gods but does not worship them. While he doesn't hate them, he is cautious around those who receive arcane powers from the gods. (aka Clerics, Palladins, Warlocks, etc.)

Social Aptitude

Trix believes himself to be fairly likeable and charismatic, though this is not true at all. The best way to describe him would be a cocky but somehow likeable idiot (though idiot does not necessarily mean dumb)

Wealth & Financial state

Basically nothing, only whatever he carries with him

Cocky nomad looking for glory

View Character Profile
16 or 17
Date of Birth
Exakt date unknown
The wilderness of The Great Plain on Nurasti
Current Residence
Yellow with an orange tint
Stormcoat (greys and whites)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stormcoat (greys and whites)
3 ft. 9 in.
91 lb.
Quotes & Catchphrases
(angrily) "I am NOT small!" (after walking into a library like he owns the place) "hey, you got anything about magix in here?" (when talking to anyone who seems like they know dragons) "You know who owned this? I need some practice" shows Steel Dragon scale while clumsily swinging his sword (before a fight) "You are brave, approaching me, the mighty Li-Trix" usually followed by getting his arse kicked
Known Languages
Trix can speak Avalean and common. During his travels he also learned to understand Elvish, though he doesn't speak it very well.