The Dwarvish Gods Organization in Aldris | World Anvil
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The Dwarvish Gods

The Dwarvish Gods, otherwise known as the Mordinsamman, are the main pantheon of gods worshiped by the dwarven and dwarf-adjacent races such as some gnomes, oreads, and even some halflings. Duergar gods are included on this list as they are the gods that fell out of favor with the Dwarves of the world, but still began as a part of the Mordinsamman.


These are the commonly worshipped Dwarven gods, all either somewhat related to or having interacted with the chief god, Moradin. In truth, most dwarven gods are actually old dwarven heroes who were deified posthumously by their stories and their lore by the dwarves, who seek to follow their example:
  • Moradin the Allhammer: God of the forge, creation, crafting, skill, and will, depicted as a gilded dwarf bearing armor, a hammer, and a shield, his own skin made of gold. Believed to make the creator of the dwarves and a slew of powerful magical items, the other gods often come to him in need of artifacts and or other creations. He is the one committed to forge the great plane of the Realm of Chains alongside with Ioun and Pelor, the prison of Thairzdun.
  • Berronar Truesilver, the Ward Mother: Goddess of the home and hearth, protection, and safety, she is the wife of Moradin and the safeguarder of families, unions, and relationships. Many pray to her during times of peace and war alike in hopes of a constant or final arrival of unity. She is depicted as an older dwarf with brown hair streaked with grey, wearing robes and gold jewelry, having a look formed of both cunning wisdom, and welcoming warmth.
  • Dugmaren Brightmantle, the Wayward Tinkerer: God of invention, innovation, progress, hope, and discovery, he is a new deity that has come to light with the new expansions of the gnomes and halflings into dwarven society, believed to possibly be a new fusion of two of the races' gods. He is depicted as an older dwarf with a silver beard tied in knots, bearing spectacles and armor that is gnomish in shape rather than dwarvish.
  • Sharindlar the Lady of Life and Mercy: Goddess of healing, mercy, protection of the weak, and fertility. Dwarven clerics of life worship her, and while she is often called in times of war and chaos, her following is small but devout and their clerics are often heavily sought out. She is depicted as a blonde dwarven woman dressed in bright robes and leather armor, wearing a circlet infused with a gem that radiates healing light.
  • Clangeddin Silverbeard, the Lord of the Twin Axes: God of war, battle, and honor, keen to keep wars fair and well-fought without deceit or trickery giving anyone the other hand. Depicted as a dwarven warrior with a pure white beard, clad in armor whilst wielding a pair of axes on his shoulders. He is often prayed to in times of war with the goblins and giants as he was one who stood up against Bane and Grummsh during their attempt to usurp the material plane.
  • Vergadain the Lord of Coin and Cunning: God of wealth, trade, bargaining, trickery, and luck. He is rarely invoked due to his negative aspect in terms of haggling, gambling, deceiving, and sometimes cheating, but he has not been cast out of the pantheon due to his stance as king of wealth. Depicted as a dwarf in dark robes lined with fur, and a stark black beard, slightly receding hairline, and a large grin on his face whilst flipping a coin.
  • Gorm Gulthyn, the Lord of the Bronze Mask: God of watchfulness, truth, and defense, depicted often as a dwarf wearing a bronzed helm and mask that covers the whole of his face, leaving it a black silhouette. He is often associated with the discovery of deceit and the execution of punishment and is the patron of the dwarven mage and thief inquisition, the Branders.
  • Marthammor Duin the Trailblazer: God of wandering, education, and exploring the new, often worshiped by gnomes and halflings more than dwarves due to his spindly and explorative nature. Depicted as a thin dwarf with a thin beard walking with a cane, venturing to his next destination.
  • Thard Harr the Deep Green Guardian: God of hunting, survival, and protection within the forest and above ground, Thard is often worshiped little by the common dwarves due to his more elvish and natural nature. He is depicted as a dwarf with a full head of silver hair wearing pelts and a bandana, his gauntlet housing a bow that is sometimes also shown in his depictions. He speaks to dwarves to remember not to forget the beauty of the world above the ground, for it has its own uses and its own experiences to be had, and to not be blinded by the riches found below.
  • Dumathoin the Grave Keeper: God of secrets, buried treasure, and death; depicted as a pale dwarf with a dark grey beard, hooded with a pickaxe at his side. He is the reaper of the dwarves and is prayed to for funerary rites and to make sure that dwarves who die underground by collapses, monsters, or otherwise are not trapped there, and that he will mine them out with his Pick of the Fallen.
  • Haela Brightaxe, the Lady of the Fray: Goddess of luck in battle, war, and the thrill of fighting. Depicted as a red-headed short-haired female dwarf clad in armor with an axe that is the size of her, she is the patron of the Order of the Warsong, dwarvish bards and clerics who fight with the fervor of battle on their side.
  • Tharmekhul, the Beard of Flame: God of the forge, endurance, fire, and warmth. Depicted as a bronze-skinned dwarf with a beard formed of fire, he speaks to dwarven perseverance and the long arduous journey of life and creation, always tending to the forge to never give up hope. While he has a small clergy, they are dedicated godsmages of light and forge.
These are the fallen gods of the duergar or gods that the dwarves no longer hold favor with:
  • Thautam the Hushed: God of mysteries, darkness, lost treasures, and magic, he is not included within the Mordinsamman due to the Dwarves hatred and fear of magic and the arcane. Depicted as a hooded dwarf with a colorless beard and his finger up in a shushing motion.
  • Abbathor the Avaricious: God of greed, selfishness, pride, and avarice. Depicted as a dark-bearded bald dwarf with black eyes and red leather armor, he is meant to represent the negative qualities of a dwarf, one who tempts others to steal or outshine their peers rather than build up and align with them for stronger alliances.
  • Laduguer the Exile: God of crafting, exploration, survival and dishonor. Depicted as a coal-skinned dwarf with a white beard, he was exiled from the pantheon due to this use of slaves, his disregard for tradition, and his stealing of other people's creations in order to improve and build upon them with his own ideas. He is believed to have fled and become a patron of the duergar, and is sometimes believed to have been the only craftsman to properly challenge Moradin.
  • Deep Duerra the Queen Unseen: Goddess of tyranny, expansion, and the mind and soul. Depicted as a dwarven skull that floats in shadow with glowing purple eyes, or as a pale hairless dwarven woman in black robes, Duerra commands many Underdark entities and rules them as their god queen, and is a patron of the Psionic Arts due to its reliance on one's soul and mind rather than the world around them and the innate all-encompassing force of magic.
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations

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