Mohmtorigg Settlement in Aldris | World Anvil
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Mohmtorigg is the capital city of the Dwarven Kingdom of Thor Bardam. Often shortened to just "Mohm", this is the seat of the Dwarvish King and his Court and holds the largest dwarven and gnomish population in the whole of the Albion continent.


Dwarves make up over 55% of the population, with gnomes at 25%, humans at 10%, and all of the other races making up the remaining 10%. Elves, tieflings, and half-elves are exceedingly rare here due to the dwarves distrust of them and their magic, as well as goliaths due to their half-giant lineage.


The capital is ruled by the Council of Masters and the King of Thor Bardam.


  • Bardam Bridge: After the War of the Hollering King ended and Andros Sonora took the throne from his ousted brother Dolan, he sought to make peace with the dwarves and form a new alliance reliant on trade, expansion, and mutual benefit. The king allowed the dwarves a small plot of land that they could mine from within the human kingdoms, and in turn, the Dwarves constructed a land bridge that would allow both continents to connect as a sign of trust between the two kingdoms. This would be named Bardam Bridge, and it is constantly kept under surveillance by dwarven forces and the earth-priests who can destroy and collapse the bridge should it ever need to be done.  


  • The Foaming Crown: This is the largest inn and tavern throughout the entire city, formed of wood and metal in the shape of a severely tall cylindrical tower, shaped almost like a handleless beer stein. It houses over twelve floors with the first two being the restaurant's top and lower floors while the rest house twelve rooms per floor.
  • Dresden's Pride: This is a lookout that can be reached by either climbing Cradle Rock on its backside or emerging through the mountain from the city entrance. It is the site of the King's Moot when it occurs, as well as powerful ceremonies such as knighthood, unveilings, and even marriages.


Almost all dwarvish architecture within the city is formed of stone, either imported or sculpted from the very mountain itself.
Alternative Name(s)
Mohm, the Dwarven Capital
Inhabitant Demonym
Dwarven, Thoran, Bardamites
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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