Buckleborn: Gnomish home village Settlement in Aldaria | World Anvil
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Buckleborn: Gnomish home village

The home village of Eknar, Zook, and Roondar.  A small Gnomish village in the mountains with one main road going through it.  The villagers make their living farming and crafting trinkets, with a bit of mining mostly to support the trinket crafting.  At the far end of the village is the main town bank, and nearby an entrance into underground caverns and passageways that go below the village and lead eventually to the gnomish highways in the underdark.   Nearby the village (1/4 mile), Merlen a great wizard lived in a tower, and trained Roondar and Zook.   Roondar:  Tinkerer's shop, sold toys and fixed.    Loser Fembletemble took over for him.   Zook:   Has a cache of money and pranking supplies hidden in a cave outside the village.  No-one else knows where it is, but Zook's friend, farmer Singe Wabblekind, knows about it and helped him in his pranks.   Flooperstep Gumblewoof owns a toyshop. Bank owner:  Flapdap Ggnomian.  Hates Zook, thinks Zook tried to rob the bank when Zook was just playing a prank using the undercavern right below the bank.   A note about Horlin Wobbletrick:   A famous investigator that a very popular series of Gnomish novels are written about.  There is a real person by this name but he is retired now and most of the stories are not accurate.   For many years, the village served a hidden purpose of guarding the lightning rod of power, a powerful quantum item (Rainbow Set ).  At the time of Eknar's birth, it was broken by a Gnomish wizard (Xolan the Thunder Mage ) who used the power to defeat the cyclops, and half of its power went into Eknar.  Zook/Roondar's parents were trying to use the broken pieces to create a power source but instead they created a monster that killed them.  It was a special item of significance that the village had the special responsibility of guarding in a secret cave shrine near the village. It was found broken after the Cyclops died, about the time that Xolan the Thunder Mage went crazy and left the village. Zooks parents were the last caretakers for this. If you found the shrine (DC 25 without more help), you would find another piece of the item, and a carving that described a sacred charge to keep this item safe and secret from Thalassa. Thalassa Stella Sea

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