Trollish Fortitude Spell in Alcirya | World Anvil

Trollish Fortitude

This powerful spell imbues the caster with the physical fortitude and resilience of a troll. While the spell is in effect, the caster regenerates 3 hit points per round until he reaches his normal maximum. He also gains a troll’s ability to ignore dismemberment, decapitation, and other horrible injuries that would normally incapacitate or kill him outright (although losing a limb may prevent the caster from taking certain actions, such as running, climbing, and other activities).

Bleeding, wounding, being reduced to negative hit points, and other effects that cause the victim to lose hit points from round to round are ignored - the caster instead regains 3 hit points per round, up to his normal maximum. If the caster is reduced to less than 0 hit points, he is incapacitated and must make a system shock roll or lose all of his highest level spells. The incapacitation lasts only until his regeneration restores him to 1 hit point or more; he can move, fight, and cast spells again as soon as his hit point total is positive.

Trollish fortitude does not provide the caster with any defenses against lethal poison, disease, and other effects that don’t cause a loss of hit points. Hit points lost through level draining, vampiric touch, or vampiric regeneration cannot be regenerated since this represents damage to the victim’s life force, and not physical injury. In addition, fire damage and acid damage cannot be regenerated.

While the spell is in effect, the caster can rejoin severed limbs simply by holding them in place, but if the spell ends while a limb (which were already moving toward him) is still separate from his body, he immediately suffers the full effects of the injury.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Necromancy (House Titus)

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material component for this spell is a shred of dried flesh from a troll’s heart that must be pulverized into dust. The dust is then sprinkled on the caster.

1 round/level ​
Casting Time
Area of Effect
The caster ​
Saving Throw


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