Theoman Earthlord​ Character in Alcirya | World Anvil

Theoman Earthlord​

​Theoman is the great dwarven father. Theoman is one of the few avatars that actually predates the god upon whom he serves. Theoman served amongst the first crop of creatures created at the hands of Palanos as did his counterpart, Cerellon. Theoman, showing wisdom and leadership amongst is peers, quickly became a favored child of Palanos and was granted stewardship of the giants as they toliled to create Alcriya from hewn rock. He, and his early brothers and sisters watched, guided, and disciplined the giants as they shaped the mountains, hewed the valleys and laid low the plains from the bedrock established by Palanos. Theoman was also there when the giants became jealous, craven cowards, forsake the earth and became thralls of Al-Vingaar. Theoman led the charge as the dwarves fought for Balera during the Aporcyphum and for his actions he was raised up as a new avatar of Balera set to lead his people in their path of righteousness. Sadly, Theoman watched as his people were corrupted and turned their backs on Balera. To save what was left of his people, Theoman, through visions, taught his people to hew wood and sew sail and flee the coveted earth of Alcriya for the wave of the open to sea where they would wait for the rocks of Alcriya to once more call their name.​   The entire first race of dwarves was blue - explanation to come.​   The great blue dwarf.​   ​Silver Dragons​


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