Solvent of Corrosion Spell in Alcirya | World Anvil

Solvent of Corrosion

This spell conjures a corrosive, acidic slime of horrid strength on one surface or creature within the spell’s range. Up to one square foot of surface area per caster level can be affected, so a 5th‑level caster can affect 5 square feet - enough to create a 2‑foot by 3‑foot hole in a door or wall, or thoroughly drench a man‑sized creature.

The acid eats through 6 inches of wood, leather, or bone, 4 inches of stone, or 1 inch of metal each round. Against monsters composed of stone, metal, or wood, the solvent inflicts d3 points of damage per caster level per square foot affected in the first round, d2 per caster level in the second round, and 1 per two caster levels in the third and final round. Therefore, a 10th‑level wizard who strikes a treant with solvent of corrosion inflicts 10d3, then 10d2, and finally 5 points of damage. Each round, the victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell for half damage.

Against flesh, the solvent is much less effective; it is caustic and burns painfully, inflicting 1 point of damage per caster level in the first round, but no further damage in the second or third round. However, the burning in the following rounds does inflict a -2 penalty to the victim’s attacks while the solvent is active. The solvent is extremely likely to cause extensive damage to the victim’s armor and equipment; item saving throws vs. acid may apply at the DM’s discretion. If the armor or equipment is magical in nature, then the saving throw is made with the usual bonuses allowed to the magical item.

The great alchemist Vandarien developed his solvent to dissolve iron grates, stone and woodwork traps, and other such hazards. The solvent’s effectiveness against mineral or wood‑based creatures was a mere side effect of his research.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Conjuration and Summoning (House Gaius), Alchemy
​30 ft.​
Material, Somatic, Verbal
The material component of this spell is a mixture of vinegar, water, and a drop of black dragon acid. ​
​3 rounds ​
Casting Time
Area of Effect
​1 sq. ft./level ​
Saving Throw


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