Oroem Character in Alcirya | World Anvil


​Burrow Warden of Glimmerfell​ Keeper of the Exchequer before the collapse of Glimerfell Only neblin noble still around Has declared himself “lord” of the survivors, though insecure Will follow Feeniar’s orders Carries keys to the clan treasure chests Rides a giant lizard Current location unknown, though was hiding out in the Jade Quarry. Ally to Brechtess and Feeniar ​   Kingdom of the Ghouls   efore the collapse of Glimerfell Only neblin noble still around Has declared himself “lord” of the survivors, though insecure Will follow Feeniar’s orders Carries keys to the clan treasure chests Rides a giant lizard Current location unknown, though was hiding out in the Jade Quarry. Ally to Brechtess and Feeniar ​   Oroem (svirlheblin burrow war-den)· TNT very· AL N· AC -1· MV 9· HD 6+9; hp 45; 'T'HACO 13; #'A'r :J/2'; Dmg by weapon type +2; SA stun darts; SD non-detection; surprised only on a roll of 1; spells; immune to illusions; MR 35%; SZ S (4' tall ML 13; XP 4,000; MM/159-161 (gnome warhammer +2, short sword-, rinR mail +3, shield, 18 Dexterity. Spells (innale): blindness, blw; change self


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