Libram of Golems Item in Alcirya | World Anvil

Libram of Golems

This compilation is a treatise on the construction and animation of golems. It contains all of the information and incantations necessary to make one of the four sorts of golems.

The construction and animation of a golem takes a considerable amount of time and costs quite a bit as well. During the construction/animation process, a single wizard or priest must have the manual at hand to study, and he must not be interrupted. The type of manual found is determined by rolling d100 and consulting the table below:

Once the golem is finished, the writing fades and the book is consumed in flames. When the ashes of the manual are sprinkled upon the golem, the figure becomes fully animated. It is assumed that the user of the manual is of 10th or higher level. For every level of experience under 10th, there is a cumulative 10% chance that the golem will fall to pieces within one turn of completion due to the maker's imperfect understanding.

If a priest reads a work for wizards, he will lose d6(x10,000) experience points. A wizard reading a priestly work will lose one level of experience. The DM must decide in advance which it is meant for. Any other class of character will suffer 6d6 points of damage from opening the work.

Cursed Libram of the Golem

Same types in the tables, but note that the completed golem will go berserk at the end of the second round of its first melee.

Speed Factor
XP Value

Cursed: None

Normal: 3,000

Item type
Book / Document
Base Price
Cursed: 20,000/Normal: 30,000


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