Ilarion Hesychios Character in Alcirya | World Anvil

Ilarion Hesychios

Ilarion was born illegitimately of a mother who was raped by the Easterners. She ~bandoned him soon aftrr his birth, and left him to die in the forest. A hermlt, t~e Te:ountosJlaroPolk, found him and took him to his cave, raising him and teachlng hlm the ays of the Terountoi, the "Watchers." Ilarion learned the art of using sile t magic and how to silently communicate with animals, a~d was a~s? able to ravel by following the stars, and how to survive in the wlld by llvlng off of wild plants. He never speaks. He learned simple, herbal alchemy for he ling and general usage. Ilarion knows no hing of his blood relatives or their history. Neither does h: r:ally have any fr ends. He is mysterious and is known to be a healer, the dlsclple of the Old H rmit, and he is known to be able to communicate with beasts. The hermit and Ilario live deep in the woods, and Ilarion is sent out from there on occasional e rands and to help the village physicians in wartime. Ilarion is a qui t introvert, able to withstand traumatic events with tranquility, although he is subject to insomnia and nightmares, subconscious repercussions of his other's rape and his own rejection by her. He does sometimes speak in his dr ams, speaking in the Turrepolitan tongue; he never recalls it, but the villagers sometimes hear him and try to piece together the strange things he says. He has never cut his hair or shaved---some of the Terountoi were known for this, though Iarolpol himself is not so strict. Ilarion is liter te in both the Turrepolitan and Elvish languages. Ilarion has some physical characteristics of the Easterners; his eyes are flatter than usual (lOke East Asians'), and he is built awkwardly. His hair is black, his eyes d rk brown, his complexion dark. He is 5'9", big-boned, but is rather thin f r his size because of his vegetarian diet. He weighs 163 lbs. He is 23 y~ars old, and his birthday is celebrated and April 30th. He is healthy and fa"rly agile and strong, is very keen-witted and observant and well endowed wit the second sight. He is well trained in medical skills, and he knows the way of the woods as well, being able to find his way about quietly, and to unde/stand animals' behavior and intentions and to communicate with them silently. ! He knows some of the Runes Iaropolk knows. He knows the Elvish rune of sleep-healing, which! is used to put someone into a deep healing sleep which is comatose in character, and which can be used against an enemy as well to weaken or incapacitate him, though this is exhausting to the user; Ilarion does not know this rune very well, and it is the only Elvish rune he knows. He also knows the Turrepolitan runes of Detecting Magic and detecting old tracks, both of which involve casting a set of runesticks and interpreting the way they land, and similarly the rune of finding a path out of situation where one has become lost. He also knows the runelXiIXK~III*~XliIIIX~IXIII~~XIKliXII.XIKI of summoning animals; this rune is used telepathically, as Iaropolk has taught him. Finally he knows a rune of healing, and a rune of holding small animals (like raccoons) and one for holding large animals (like wolves or bears these are used by casting down a single rune or drawing it in the air or in the dirt, or on a wound; the animal who is "held" by this rune cannot approach, though he may flee. With his healing talents, besides normal medical abilities, Ilarion can cure wounds with a touch, purify food and drink, cure diseases, and give people strength, though all of these abilities are difficult and fatiguing.


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