Dragonwing Mountains Geographic Location in Alcirya | World Anvil

Dragonwing Mountains

A massive mountain range that isolates the Plains of Xanthios (and its people) fromt he rest of the Alcriyan continent. The mountins are largely impassable by standard means with the exception of 1 massive river valley which serves as the outlet for the winter waters that fall on the Plains above.​ Among the many challenges of penetrating the illusive heights is the floating peak phenomena. The floating peaks are a series of areas that seem to defy conventional gravity creating segements (usually the highest peaks that are more central to the range). True information about these peaks is limited... actually reaching these phenomena is nearly impossible (altitude, denizens, general terrain challenges, and they are transient in nature). Legendary stories have developed over the years - most commonly they are dormant lairs for dragons and their kin.


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