Create Air Spell in Alcirya | World Anvil

Create Air

By means of this spell, a priest can generate a bubble of fresh, breathable air around a creature. This air drives out the stale air and restores it to the “fresh” state. It also replaces befouled air, including air that is poisoned or tainted by a cloudkill or stinking cloud spell.

In cases of individuals adrift in space, this permits another check to determine the duration of the fresh air. Within a larger envelope of air (such as the deck of a spelljamming ship or the atmosphere of a planet), the freshened air will drift off, combining with the existing air.

For every two levels over first, the priest can create sufficient air for an additional person. A 3rd-level priest can create air for two man-sized creatures, a 5th-level priest sufficient air for five, and so on. Creating additional air around a single individual does not create a larger envelope; the excess air simply drifts off. The caster can refresh the air within his own personal air envelope and that of others within the range of the spell, without needing to touch those individuals.

The reverse of this spell, Destroy Air, immediately reduces the air around one creature to fouled (-2 penalty to attacks and ability checks).

If the Create Air spell is used within a gravity field, inside otherwise hostile surroundings (such as inside a cloudkill or stinking cloud), it allows the recipient a single clean breath before the created air bubbles to the surface.

Air in Space: An air pocket around an individual remains fresh for 2d20 rounds. Then it becomes fouled through round 30; attacks and ability checks have a -2 penalty. At round 31, the air becomes deadly. Each turn requires a saving throw vs. death to avoid passing out. An individual who loses consciousness continues making saving throws, with a failure indicating death by suffocation. An unconscious individual will revive if exposed to fresh (or fouled) air.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Elemental Air
90 ft.

V, S, M

The material component for the spell is a small, stoppered flask.

Casting Time
2 rds.
Area of Effect
1 creature/2 levels
Saving Throw


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