City of the Glass Pool Settlement in Alcirya | World Anvil

City of the Glass Pool

The City and the Kuo-Toa The City of the Glass Pool IS unlit except where noted. Kuo-toans and iIlithids have infravision and do not require light. Derro have poor infTavisioll, however, and they use cotltjtluai gloU' light globes similar to those encountered in the Derro lairs (see preceding chapter). The city waDs are detailed below. City buildings are roofed urness noled otherwise. Typical ceiling height is 12 feet for simple locations. Buildings which are not listed in the location key below each are 9Q'r .. likely to contain a group of ld3+2 ordinary kuo-toa (2 HD), 10"/ .. likely to be empty. Buildings, and the walls, have been crafted by many slaves over the centuries, and both dwarf and gnome Pes will fancy that they see something of their race's handiwork here. There is little "dun· gean dressing" induded in the follOWing location descriptions simply for reasons of space, and the OM should embellish freely, adding atmospheric detail as needed. Kuo-toa for which no speci.,1 statistics are listed are ordinary 2 HO types. Note that the XP award for Monitors is 2,000 XP, not 975 as stated in hOme early printings of the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome. XP awards for Whips of different levels are given on OM Reference Card 4. Because repeating stats would I:tc very space-consuming. profiles (or monsters whIch are repeatedly encountered in the city are found on OM Reference Card 4; only individual hit point totals are given in the text. Only exceptional individuals (spcllcasters and the like) have profiles given in full. Thief skills are only given for most relevant abilities (Move Silently, Hide in Shadows). The MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM entry for lxzan (in the 8-page booklet) should be kept to hand by the OM; again, stats are not repeated endlessly for space reasons, although hit point totals and spcl1 lists are pro-vided for each Ixz.ln. All Derro in the city wear the <;ervitor brooches the PCs have seen earlier (Player HandouI18). The location key gives the initial position of monsters before attacks an.' made. Obviously, they move around in response to PC actions. Tactics here are somewhat com plica led by the fact that PCs can enter the city almost anywhere. Storming the front giltCS is the most spectacularly stupid opbon, but almost anything is possible. They might gct in by climbing the walls (very dif· ficol!) or by casting enough fly spells to get over t"'1 mns..;e (not wise, since it leave5 the embarra~~ing problem of how to get out when the speUs have expired). Slottt' slurping a way in isn't impossible, given Darafayen's abilities. and the Pes might get in through the great stone pipes of the city.   The Grand Cavern At the spot marked X7 on the strategic map, the pas· sageway appears 10 be blocked by a massi"e fall of rubble. However. this can be safely cleared. It takes 60 PC*hours of work to do this (six PCs would have to work for 10 hours each to clear it, for example). For rock-clearing purposes, PCs with Strength 1610 18 count as two PCs nnd those with exceptional Strength count as three; a PC with a Strength penalty counts as half a person here. Wandering monster checks should be made at double normal frequency unless pes can mask the noise thev make for the duration of their work. The passage\vay beyond this blockage leads to area 1 un Map 21.


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