Casting Rules in Alcirya | World Anvil

Casting Rules

​Mages and Priests both have access to mystical energies that can alter the world around them. Each class has a different set of abilities (Spell List) and a different way to access this power.
Mages access other world dimensions and principles through mystic rites, essentially a 'scientific' process to knowing the 'rules' of that which exists outside the normally visible dimension. This is referred to as 'Hermetic' magic. Mages use complicated formulas to tap into this arcane knowledge.
Priests tap into their deep faith and personal will to derive tangents of power from their Gods. Priests use various rites and rituals to show their devotion and please the Gods thereby warranting their use of the powers they ask for.
Each magic-user (priest or mage) must devote enough time in the day for rest (min. 8 hours) and study/prayers (10 min./spell level).
Priests and Mages can receive 'bonus' Spells based on their Wisdom/Intelligence (respectively). Consult the appropriate chart (Intelligence, Wisdom)
  Magic and Critical Strikes
Magic Users have access to casting with critical effects (rolling on the Critical Chart if you roll 18-20, beat the AC by 5). Spell Components are required to attempt a critical attack. If used, the Spell Level of the spell will function as the THAC0. Use the Target's AC, as normal. When attempting a critical strike with a spell, the opponent's Saving Throw (if any) is at a penalty of 2. A defensive or utility spell can also have a Critical effect - use the AC of the target. If successful, the spell is amplified by 20% or it's normal effectiveness.   Spell Interruption
Casters that take damage in the round in which they are casting must make a Wisdom check to successfully complete the spell. If the damage is received during the casting time (segment of actions between the beginning of casting and the completion) and the Wisdom check is failed, Wild Magic is the result (see the Wild Magic Table).
  Casting and Movement
When casting, only 10' may be moved in the round.  
At this time, because of the rise of Karza, ALL Priests and Mages are subject to spell failure in accordance with their Wisdom, with a minimum penalty of 2. Failure indicated that the magical energies have been siphoned by Karza and his subordinates.
  Countering Spells
Spells can be countered. A Priest/Mage that wishes to counter a spell makes a Spellcraft check at the beginning of the round. The caster may then choose to cast the reverse of the spell (Slow to Haste for example) or a Dispel Magic on the cast spell. If the counter spell goes before (anytime) or at the same time of the cast spell, treat it as a Dispel Magic and determine the result.
  Spells per Day
Magic Users are also regulated to how many spells they can cast in a 24 hour period. Once a Mage/Priest has cast their allotment of spells, they may attempt to re-study/pray and continue casting, however, they must make an Endurance check for each spell (with a saving throw penalty of 1 per spell level, thus a 3rd level spell has a -3 to the Endurance check.). Failure results in the caster being fatigued 1 level and they lose the spell being cast for 24 hours. A critical failure (1) results in 2 fatigue levels.
  Special Casting Rules for Priests
Priests are subject to Spell Failure, based on their Wisdom, every time they cast a spell. If a spell fails, it is lost for a 24 hour period. Priests may also choose their spells at the time of casting (rather than when they pray).
  Spells Allowed in the Campaign
Only the spells included on this website are accessible to Priests/Mages. Spells in other resources can be discovered in game, researched, or created by some other means.


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