Astral Plane Geographic Location in Alcirya | World Anvil

Astral Plane

​The Astral plane consist of other-dimensional nothingness, a barren expanse extending in all directions.The only breaks in this bleakness are small islands of matter broken off from their native dimensions and occasional wide, spining columns of astral conduits, also called wormholes. Wormholes link the outer planes with each other and with the Prime Material plane. The Astral is little more than a plane of transit, a means of moving between the inner and outer planes. It is also asecondarily a home for extra-planar creatures.​ ​Physically, the best way to describe where the Astral plane's location is the area surrounding the Earth outside the upper atmosphere. It acts as a buffer and conduit between the Prime plane and the realms of the other world planes (the homes of the Gods, in particular). It must be remebered, however, that the Astral plane doesn't actully fill any prime material space. ​ ​A traveler finding himself in the Astral sees a bright, well-lit grayness that extends in all directions, as if he is within a thick silver atmosphere. The Astral material is very clear, and vision is unimparied up to its physical limits. The plane is incredibly grey and dull, save for color pools, ther travelers, and conduits to other planes. Pools are readily accessable portals into the other planes of existence. Other travelers are natives of other planes who have found a way to enter the Astral. Conduits resemble water spouts on a stormy day at sea, their ends lost in vast expanses of grey at either end. Wormholes are interdimensional vortices that link the Prime Material planes with the inner planes (elemental planes, plane of shadow, etc.) ​ ​The astral plane has no gravity, though objects retain their masses here and can be thrown at normal velociites. This weightlessness requires soe acclimation, and there may be difficulty in performing some actions until that acclimation is made. Beings can move by pushing off large objects, but most usually move by concentrating on where they want to go.​


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