Elias Drake Character in Albion | World Anvil
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Elias Drake

Watcher Elias Drake

Watcher Drake, the Council of Twelve recognizes your candidate as the new Chosen One. It is a rare honor for a Watcher to see their candidate elevated to the rank of Slayer. As this is your third successful candidate, you are unmatched in our recorded history. Perhaps it is time to employ you to rewrite the Watcher's Handbook!
— Unnamed Councilor, circa 1201

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a strong and well-defined upper body. His agility is above most normal humans, but below the levels seen in many of Albion's heroes.

Facial Features

  • Strong jawline
  • Cleft chin
  • Always clean shaven
  • Bereft of scars

Identifying Characteristics

All Watchers have a mystical tattoo somewhere on their body. It is unique to each Watcher and accentuates a specific skill they have. At this time, the placement and design of Drake's tattoo are not public knowledge.

Special abilities

  • Extended lifespan
  • Youthful appearance
  • Enhanced healing and regeneration

Apparel & Accessories

Council Drake

Battle Drake

Mental characteristics


Drake appears to be asexual. He has no documented relationships beyond casual friendship or business contacts.


Drake, like all Watchers, received formal education and training in the following areas:

  • Alchemy
  • Arcana
  • Demonology
  • Hand-to-hand Combat
  • History
  • Martial weapons
  • Religion
  • Various languages


Watcher - 1126 to Present

Dock hand - 1118 to 1126

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully groomed three Slayers including the current Slayer, Trinity Summers.

Intellectual Characteristics

Drake is cold and calculating in all things. His skills in observation, insight and perception drive his ability to make quick decisions in critical situations.


Religious Views

Elias Drake wields the power of a Cleric but his deity is unknown to others.

Social Aptitude

Drake has well-refined manners and is able to hold his own in conversations. He has a quiet confidence that is difficult to rattle.


Drake has a warm demeanor and very rarely raises his voice.


Elias Drake does not use contractions. He spent the better part of 100 years collecting knowledge; why would he "bastardize his own language?" He often takes on the tone of a mentor when conversing with those he sees as younger or less refined than himself.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
1105 120 Years old
Current Residence
Watchers' Fortress in Centeralden
Deep Blue
Blonde and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
215 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common | Celestial | Infernal | Abyssal | Draconic | Elemental

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