Mountain Silkworm Species in Albion | World Anvil
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Mountain Silkworm

This silkworms are found in the mountains of Khavkhaz, and are incredibly durable. Due to their surroundings, they must have tough cocoons, built out of their own silk. As such, their silk is prized for its toughness and durability, and due to its extreme rarity, is priced quite ludicrously for the common person. They are domesticated by Mountain Dwarves. The common dwarf will instead use Maidens hair fungus clothing.

Basic Information


They look like a grey, segmented worm. When in their cocoon, they look like a small rock.

Genetics and Reproduction

After emerging from its cocoom, the mountain silk moth seeks out a mate with its powerful phermone tracker. Once it finds one, they mate, and then spread their eggs out across the entire mountain on any lay lines or terminuses they can find.

Growth Rate & Stages

After hatching from its grey egg, the silkworm feeds itself for 3 years on any nutrients it can find, mostly lichen and grasses, as well on a healthy amount of magical energy. It hibernates in a lesser silk cocoon every winter. After its last summer, it spins itself a much tougher cocoon, and transforms over the course of winter into a silk moth, after which it dissolves its way out of it's cocoon and mates. The moth only lasts a single summer, and dies in the fall.

Ecology and Habitats

The silkworm thrives in small, mostly windless pockets of mountains that get sun and have some access to magical energy. These often have lots of lichens and grasses for the worm to eat due to the magic and the protected nature of the areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lichen, grass and magic, all of which it uses to build its corpulent body and silk.

Biological Cycle

The silkworm hibernates in a lesser silk cocoon for its first 2 winters, and in a greater silk cocoon for its last winter.

Additional Information


The mountain silkworm has been domesticated by the dwarves of the Khavkhaz, and have been exported to the other mountain homes in small quantaties. They are fed solely on plump helmets, an underground mushroom that is found to increase the quality of the silk, as well as rich magical lichen found in some caves. Before their third winter, all but 1/12 are boiled immidiatly after finishing their cocoon, with those 1/12 being sent to breed the next generation.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The silk of the greater cocoon is as tough as kevlar, though it must be harvested before the worm begins to hibernate. When it hibernates, the silk partly melts into itself, becoming as tough as a stone, but unusable. The silk is so tough due to a small amount of magical infusion, but it is just as tough in a null magic zone.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found solely on the eastern side of Khavkhaz mountains naturally. Due to dwarven use, they can be found in small pockets around the world on various mountains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can sense magical ley lines, and lay their eggs there
Scientific Name
Bombyx Mons
4 years
Conservation Status
In the wild, they are uncommon, with a single mountain only containing a couple dozen
Average Height
4 cm before last hibernation
Average Weight
200 g
Average Length
12 cm long before last hibernation
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale grey, the colour of the prevailing stone in the area.
Related Materials


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