The Stars Chosen Organization in Albernon | World Anvil
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The Stars Chosen

When Star Fell occurred the world was shaken, magic flushed into the world and the Gods were returned to their positions of power. Such a monumental event inspired awe and wonder in those who lived through it. For some this awe and inspiration went beyond, to the point of worship. With the Star Fall there developed a new religious following who called themselves the Stars Chosen. They believed that they were chosen and transformed by the Star Fall. The leaders who emerged claimed to have been given a message in their transformation, though the actual message they claimed changed depending on who spoke.    While the people who were transformed was seemingly random, the followers believed that there was instead a greater deity who had caused the Fall and changed the people of the world to new forms to best suit their environments. However oftentimes the changes did not reflect or work within their environments, to combat this thought the leadership proclaimed that the Star Fall was just the first event of its kind, that the greater deity was warming up and preparing his chosen for the new world which would be created through the destruction of this world.    With this new world view given to their followers the Stars Chosen quickly changed from a group of worship to a chaotic gathering of people with nothing to live for. They believed that since the world was being wiped and recreated, and that they had been chosen over others to survive that they were elite, better than those who were unchanged. During this transition the general public became fearful of the Stars Chosen, and fear began to brew of any who had been changed. There had already been confusion and fear of the change, but the Chosens actions exacerbated this and created a schism between the changed and humans. With this change in the general publics perception of the Chosen a new name began to rise, calling them instead the Fallen Stars, or more commonly the Fallen.    The Stars Chosen is not an organized religion, instead several sects exist across Albernon with different leadership and leadership styles. Some sects tend more towards the doomsday aspect of the original founders while others instead serve more as a gathering place and support group for those changed by Star Fall. This difference leads to many different perceptions of the group, with the public even identifying them as different groups, the Fallen and the Chosen.
Religious, Organised Religion


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