Pirates of Legano Ethnicity in Albernon | World Anvil
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Pirates of Legano

The isles Legano were once home to a peaceful ocean faring people, they lived among the islands and welcomed any who would visit. Star Fall changed everything. The waters surrounding the isles now teem with man eating monsters and deadly giant beasts. With the influx of monsters and the chaotic weather making life on the ocean even more difficult the peoples of the isles retreated inland and joining the nation of Izaca. This left the isles empty and ripe for the taking. At the same time many were being forced out from their homes for a multitude of reasons, from being one of the changed ostracized for their differences, or someone who lost their home to monsters. Many from those outcasts who were more able found their way to the now empty isles, taking over the villages and boats which were left. Finding that they were ill equipped for fishing and the chaotic weather made growing food impossible the new residents instead turned towards piracy, raiding and stealing goods from any passing merchant ships, and raiding farms and plantations along the Izaca coast. For years this continued and more pirates began to gather and emerge. A decade after the remaking of the isles a problem which had been brewing for some time finally came to a head. The lawless gathering of pirates and outlaws erupted in a bloody fight. The fights lasted for several months and many died before a conclusion was reached. A new form of government was agreed upon, a council made of the captains of the most influential crews. The Captains Council put an end to the fighting and put down a new minimal set of rules for any who would reside in the Isles.       Do not steal from another pirate under the protection of the council.      Weapons shall not be drawn with intent in civilized areas, and fights with fists shall end upon first blood drawn.   With the Captains Council's rule the Isles of Legano saw a amicable life once again, much to the chagrin of the nations of Izaca and Paphora's sea faring traders.


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