Cobalt Soul Organization in Al'Uvium | World Anvil
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Cobalt Soul

The cobalt Soul is an organization that rose out of the ashes of the Divine Crusade. The people of the world were very angered at mages, sorcerers, wizards and the like for the destruction their hubris brought to the world. To try to safeguard against this happening again small groups of civilians began to form, to keep magic users in line. Citizens weren't willing to outlaw this new raw magic power because it was too new and made life too convenient but they did want more control than had been afforded to the madre of old and any outlandish plans squashed. These small groups soon found common purpose and began to merge under the banner and leadership of a Cleric named Hern Yerti. Hern Yerti was a devoted follower of Ioun and had fought on the side of the gods in the Divine Crusade. So it only made sense that he would be a good fit for one of these oversight organizations. Hern, though, saw that these small groups were never going to achieve their goal as separate entities so he began a drive to merge as many as he could under one identity. Over the rest of his life he formed a vast network all across the world. The network became known as the Cobalt Soul. Over time they transformed into an unaffiliated force of morality in almost every nation, stamping out corruption and policing the unpolicable. Through rigorous study and physical conditioning the scholars and monks of the cobalt soul have been able to quell rebellions, depose corrupt kings, and keep many power hungry mages from attaining greater power. Arcanists and spell casters are blocked from entry in the group and those that can cast spells, such as by divine means, are very rare to this day. The Cobalt Soul started as a check against the users of magic in the Great Guild of Mages, The Guild of Arcanists, The Enlightened Eye, The Flame, etc. But now they have Archives, repositories and libraries in every major city in Al'Uvium. They offer knowledge freely to anyone who wants it along with keeping watch over all who might hoard that knowledge or try to abuse it.


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