Remi Somnium Ethnicity in Akun | World Anvil

Remi Somnium

Describe a nomadic people in your world. Why are they on the move?   The Remi Somnium are the Circle of Dreams Druids that roam across Akun. Their primary worship of deities falls towards Aznera, Buren, Ginnir, and Ojun.
  The circle travels across the country side to spread healing of the lands, release of mental anguish to the ill, guidance for the wayward, and calmness in the lands between.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Though the first names of those that join are the ones chosen by the individuals; the middle names are in reference to either a location, animal, or spirit that helped guide the fledgling druid towards their journey within dreams.

Other names

Last names are an artifact of the Druids' lives before joining the circle. They are used mainly within the bounds of society, however among their own kind the druids will usually refer to a specific druid by their first name and some epithet for their awakening moment.


Common Dress code

Majority of the dress code of the druids is left to the individual. The biggest requirements of matching attire is for each druid to have a memento from the leader of the circle for the moment the individual druid joined the circle in their own rite.

Foods & Cuisine

Meals are a large gathering and familial celebration. Some of the meals may be made by the few for the group, where some are a true potluck. The biggest agreement is how much food can they get for as little money as they can.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Druids from this circle will usually have staves that have various decorations reflecting on the spirits & minds that they've helped across their journeys. An experienced Circle of Dreams Druids will have a large variety of gems, jewels, patches, trinkets, metal bits, and other miscealaneous things that each represent a story and the person that was helped in that journey. Druids that have travelled extensively or those that like large signifiers may find themselves decoration their clothes, bodies, personal effects, and additional staves as necessary to full express themselves.

Common Taboos

The Circle of Dreams Druids instead of attending the Thunderdome instead act as wardens to the area in keeping it secure from the nightmares, creatures, entities, fears, and worse that exist in the subconsciousnesses of Gods & Mortals alike.

Common Myths and Legends

Though not common, the Circle of Dreams is known to have access & knowledge to knowing where and finding the different entrances to the World Tree; both towards the branches (such as the Weald, Feywilde, and Fruits of Ambrosia) as well as towards the roots (Shadowfel, the Wicker Web, and the Depths Unresolved).


Beauty Ideals

The only beauty ideal for the Circle of Dreams is for each person to express themselves to the best of their abilities in how they wish to be seen.

Courtship Ideals

Courting within the circle is permitted. The goal is to strengther the circle and introduce future sprouts to the exploration of the soul's inner workings. For courtships outside of the circle, usually the member that has been the longest nomad or with the strongest spirit will give their opinion on the sanctity of the potential union.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships with members of the circle between themselves are communual. They are designed to rely upon each other not for just survival but for further growth of their abilities & spiritual abilities such as astral projection & soul walking.


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