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The Splintered Coast

The Splintered Coast region encompasses the western shore of the Sea of Spires as well as most of northern Akrei. It is among the most populated areas in the Post-Shimmering world.


The Splintered Coast can be divided geographically into several distinct areas. To the north are The Frostholds which are mountainous and largely isolated, in contrast to the rest of the region which is temperate the climate here is near-arctic all year round due to the magical interference of a "thin place" of unprecedented size, scholars suggest that the thin place may itself be influenced by the density of white dragon skeletal remains in the region. Everywhere north of the Talon River that is not near-arctic is considered Arkland, this region consists largely of woodland and coastal plains which terminate in sheer cliffs frontign the Sea of Spires. South of Arkland are the Iron Hills, so named for the reddish hue that the hills exhibit, as the name would suggest this region is predominately hilly with verdant lowlands and isolated woods sparsely scattered between. South of Iron Hills is Tharwood which is a densely forested region which runs to scrub land at the southern extremes approaching more arid parts of Akrei. East of Tharwood and bordering on the Sea of Spires is the belt of mountains known as Copperpeak which once connected through to Yrrim. The south-easternmost extent of the region comprises Elanis which is dominated by old-growth forest and wetlands.

Natural Resources

Due to the regions proximity to The Shimmering, Aetherium can be found here in much greater quantity than the rest of Akrei. Aetherium is dull grey and highly malleable metal, it has the curious property of changing state when exposed to mana in sufficient density. When so exposed, Aetherium hardens and stiffens to a steel like state but retains it's toughness. It also begins to effervesce and emit a pale white light leading to it's colloquial name, shimmer-steel. Aetherium is a prized base for enchanters and also a means of detecting magic for those without the gift.

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