Knight Captain Darius Shadowsbane XVI Character in Akkadia | World Anvil
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Knight Captain Darius Shadowsbane XVI

Knight Captain Darius Shadowsbane

The head of The Order's military devision and a powerful paladin in his own right, Darius Shadowsbane is a taciturn man of middle years. He is tall, thickly muscled, and gruffly handsome; although, his recent marriage has led to him growing softer around the middle. Darius vigilantly guards Akkadia, expanding the miliitary and city watch in any ways he can. However, those who know him best will attest to his weariness and desire to move on with his life.   Darius' wife, Bellamy Shadowsbane, is expecting their first child any time now.   The Darius family progenitor, Darius Shadowsbane I, helped lead Akkadia through the War of Undeath, earning both honors and his surname "Shadowsbane" in the process. Every firstborn child of the Shadowsbane family since, male or female, has been named Darius. Each one has been expected to pursue the mantle of Knight Captain.
Current Location
Grey, constantly sharp.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned (at least where exposed from his armor).
210 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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