Alabaster Plate Item in Akkadia | World Anvil
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Alabaster Plate

"The design of Alabaster Plate is meant to strike fear into the hearts of the undead, the necromancers, and the other evil beings of this world. Whether or not these creatures actually have hearts was deemed irrelevant."

Plate Mail in Akkadia exists almost exclusively for the wealthy and the powerful. Difficult to craft, requiring extensive training to wear, and exceptionally costly, plate mail is worn by paladins, the military hierarchy, wealthy nobles, and, even more rarely, by very well-to-do adventurers.   Therefore, the version of plate mail most often seen by the public is Alabaster Plate, a steel armor in articulated layers that has been tempered into a creamy white oxidized state. Paladins and war priests wear this striking armor, over which they often layer tabards bearing the holy symbol of the Alabaster Dragon.   The importation of firearms from the mainland some time ago led to the inclusion of a placard, which is worn overtop the breastplate, giving significant protection against ballistics.


Religious, military, and economic.
Item type
Current Location
Very rare.
55 lbs
Base Price
1,500 gp

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