Aketi hope and darkness, magic and adventure...

Greetings traveler, have you been journeying long? The weather is something fierce outside, why don’t you take a chair - the one by the fire, if you need to warm your feet. Darragh makes a mean curry, might you try some? He says it’s nothing near what it should be as it’s difficult to find the traditional Tilketa spices in even such a city as this, but still, tis nothing to sneeze at. Ah, I suppose it is a rather quiet night. A pity we have no orcish minstrels this eve, I feel in the spirit for one of their epic legends. Since we are lacking in bards for our entertainment, would you care for a story perhaps? There are many I have heard in the years I have tread this land, though I suppose the best have yet to be told…
The kitted out band of explorers pushes through snow, weighed down by their gear and supplies. They hear a shrieking cry and look up in dismay as the grandiose profile of a white dragon rises from over the mountaintop…


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A good place to start your journey is the Agasi Kingdom, a human-dominated monarchy which bears a lot in common with many fantasy tropes - with a couple twists.
Smoke wafting lazily up from a quiet looking house, a retired orcish adventurer re-enacts her travels for a gaggle of excited children outside while waiting for her wife to finish baking cookies to hand out…


What is Aketi

Aketi is a high fantasy world by Celeste Belmont aka The Trenchcoat Kobold for TTRPGs, with an expansive array of playable races and distinct cultures of all sorts! Races (including the classics of orcs, goblins, etc) aren’t all evil or all good; instead, they simply have different instincts and tendencies that give them different approaches and perspectives.   Orcs and humans are the two most common races in the civilized world, with tieflings also making up a large part of the population. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s the same for other parts of the world...
Ripples splash around the halfling’s feet as they stare in terror at the hulking form bristling just beneath the waves of the cave’s watery depths, knowing no help will be coming to save them from the jaws of whatever horror lives below...


Aketi Short Stories!

Click here to explore small tales from these lands...
READ THIS. Click on the World Mood button below to get a summarization of the mood and scope of Aketi as a project, including the span of topics it covers from happy to sad. This also has notes on potential content warnings for the world.

World Mood, Direction, and Content
From bubbly optimism and silliness such as the tiny adorable Wooddragons, to the vile darkness of the Barghest slavers, Aketi is an expansive fantasy world with the intention to feel realistic, immersive, and richly developed. If you are looking for a completely one-note setting of purely positivity and happiness… this isn’t it. There’s potential for great joy, compassion, happiness, honor, charity, celebration - just like there is potential for great cruelty, tyranny, horror, selfishness, corruption, and sadness. I would liken it to Star Trek in a sense, being that there is an overall positive takeaway while also being able to delve into dark territory upon occasion, often questioning and exploring various facets of morality. You will see fun and cute things, and bastions of justice and morality… but you will also see the harsh effects of colonization, corrupt leaders, and the pitfalls of idolizing our heroes. In addition, while the intention is absolutely not to exclude minors from enjoying the world at large, topics that would be considered mature typically (such as discussing sex work in various cultures) are also not shyed away from as it’s not only realistic, but could use some more open conversations about them.   All of that being said - rest assured that if you are here for the more happy and light content, there are content warnings where something upsetting or explicit may be covered in an article so you’ll never need to read it! Just know that while the world is mostly for upbeat and exciting adventures, there is darkness hiding in the corners - what story is told is up to you, the adventurer.   Without further ado, welcome to my world!