The Sundering of Limiros Physical / Metaphysical Law in Akayun's Worlds | World Anvil

The Sundering of Limiros

About 900 years before the Blood War Truce, the Sundering marked the beginning of the War. The Sundering brought about the collapse of the Limiros Tiefdom, a powerful continent spanning infernal nation, destroying it with earthquakes and tsunamis, shattering the landmass into the vast archipelago known today. It created the Starfall rifts from Pamkxaato to the Heart of what is now Limiore. The Sundering irreversibly changed the geography and politics of the Worlds.

The Cause

What or who is responsible for the Sundering is a hotly debated historical topic, for which an answer will likely never be found.

Naturally Occuring

While the structure of the Worlds before the Truce is unclear, some sages believe that the sundering may have been a naturally occuring rupture in the planes, merely kickstarting a conflict that was already brewing between the realms and their gods.

Divine Smite

Politically, with the Tiefdom a large territory of Hell, and the gods vying for control over the Worlds, a divine attack to destroy Limiros seems to be the most obvious answer. However, none of the majority sects of major pantheons take credit for the Sundering in their theology. The explanation would then be that a dead god is responsible for the Sundering. However, that does not eliminate the issue of power. Even if the domains of gods were not set by the terms of a truce, no god alone could have been so powerful, and no god so powerful could have been excluded from the truce.

Failed Spell

This hypothesis imagines a project to open a gate in the heart of then Limiros that went wrong. Some of the few records of the time, such as murals in Moresos, do suggest research on the opening of artificial gates during the time. However, many sages find the lack any actual remains of test gates or similar devices have not been found in archeological surveys of Limiore, as well as the lack of any mention of this in the records retrieved from the "Hell Heist", the incident when mercenaries were sent to steal vast amounts of documents from the Archive of Asmodeus, strong evidence against this theory.

Primordial Titan

Certain fables from various cultures tell a story of someone, sometimes a wizard, sometimes just a farmer, who awakened a great titan of the earth that brought upon a cataclysmic event. While no such titans are known to exist now, evidence of their existence are found throughout Dohralun. While the tales still told today vary widely, some even suggest that Pamkxaato bay was the nest of a slumbering titan. The main objection against this hypothesis is that if the potential for such a cataclysm always existed, why are remnants of such disasters not more common throughout Dohralun?

Metaphysical, Supernatural


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