Genesic Egg Zone Geographic Location in Akatasphere | World Anvil
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Genesic Egg Zone

In many mythological contexts, the universe is born from an egg. Sometimes it spontaneously manifests, then hatches into existence. Other times, a greater being lays the egg before it hatches into the universe. Regardless of whether you believe in this "genesic egg," there is no denying that archaeological expeditions have uncovered a profusion of egg-like artifacts across the Akatasphere, and that consistency across worlds begs questions.  
- Archaeology blogger "Oomantis"
Speculation occasionally springs up on the NexusNet about the origin of the Akatasphere and the properties that are common to worlds within it. Somehow, it all comes back to someone claiming (or joking) that every world hatched out of an egg, and that gods and goddesses reside on the fragments of the egg's remains. The veracity of these claims is currently unknown, but plenty of people have taken the idea and run off with it. The commonality of the egg suggestion has led speculators to term the theoretical region in space where the universe hatched the "Genesic Egg Zone."   When these philosophical discussions break out on the NexusNet, it can be hard to tell who's joking and who's serious.  

What do you think it is?

  Trawling through the NexusNet yields a large variety of opinions on what the Genesic Egg Zone should be. There is one forum that regularly threatens to lock new threads on it due to their tendency to accumulate huge post counts and spiral out of control. Below are a few excerpts, used with permission from their authors.  
"The Genesic Egg Zone contains a planet surrounded by fragments of the egg that the Akatasphere's worlds hatched from. That planet is where the gods and goddesses of the Akatasphere live."  
- User GreggariousEggregious
"Where do you think the Zone is located, btw? I bet it's in the exact center of the Akatasphere, but that seems way too simple. Someone would've found it by now. Also, if the Genesic Egg was actually an egg, what hatched from it, other than the universe? Do we have avian or reptilian gods?  
- User Yolkien
"This is a shot in the dark, but apparently there's some strange birds that have been seen across the Akatasphere. I saw a brilliant red and orange bird wearing a white flower crown, and a friend in another world sent me a picture of the same bird. Are they related? Overseers from the Egg, maybe?"  
- User AAGradeEgghead, who was then mobbed with "pics or it didn't happen"

What is it really?

  This isn't something commonly known, but the Genesic Egg Zone exists, after a fashion. It is an island in space surrounded by mysterious fragments that do indeed hint at being something like a shell. On this island live the "Starlings," celestial bird-like beings with powers of observation and creation. Individual Starlings have unique powers of their own, but the ability to observe the Akatasphere and to plant the seeds of new worlds and landmasses (a nebulous process) is common to all of them, and they can all assume humanlike forms as needed.   Every once in a great while, the Starlings will perform a ritual to grant a remarkable person similar powers of oversight. Known Starlings and Overseers will be catalogued as they are discovered.
Island, Floating

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Jul 6, 2021 18:23 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great article, I love the idea of the worlds all being born from eggs and of having avian overseers XD And those messages and the name of the authors are fun :D

Jul 6, 2021 19:56

Oh very nice article! Great concept with the eggs and cool that it is true to some degree with those avian overseers xp That user conversation really is a fun addition as well makes it seem like some kind of reddit post or something xp

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