The Lupus Dei Character in Aitis | World Anvil
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The Lupus Dei

The white haired Lycan is on a mat in a meditative pose with his eyes closed. When he senses visitors his eyes open and in a voice that sounds as if it belonged to something that isn't a beast. "What can I do for my child?"

Divine Domains

Animal (Fur), Good (Redemption), Law (Judgment) Protection (Purity)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A snow-white wolf's head on a black and grey field.   Sacred Weapon: Falcata   Sacred Animal: White Wolf   Sacred Colors: White and gray.

Tenets of Faith

  • Live your life in peace but, do not fear conflict.
  • In conflict be decisive; cruelty has no place in the hearts of man or beast.
  • Suffer not the abominable nor the contemptible. If you are forced to cooperate to face a greater evil than attempt to guide the fallen towards enlightenment.
  • Evil outsiders and their servants must be converted if they are willing; destroyed if they are not.
  • If you cannot defeat your enemy than retreat and fight like a rebel in black. To lose your life needless is a victory for evil.


Sataren 15th: Saint's Day   Fitur 13th: Night of the Fallen

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To eliminate the corruption of Evil outsiders so that mortals can seek harmony freely.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Sky Blue
Snow White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow White


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