Stewards of the Land Organization in Ailosod | World Anvil

Stewards of the Land

A loose knit guild of rangers, hunters, and woodsmen that maintain a conclave used for training their crafts and sharpening their skills. The Stewards were founded during the first expansion of Kuststêd when the walls were being constructed. As workers cleared the forests and excavated stone from quarries and cliffs, there were increased sightings of monstrous creatures near the city. The Stewards were assembled from local hunters and woodsmen and charged with finding a solution the impending problem. After months of tracking, the Stewards learned the territories and prey of the feared creatures and determined that keeping the natural balance within those areas would keep the animals away from the city. From that time to this, the Stewards of the Land seek to maintain the balance by protecting the city from wandering beasts and guarding the wilds from the encroachment of civilization.


High Steward

The Arbor Council



Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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