Brush of Many Colors Item in Ailosod | World Anvil

Brush of Many Colors

When using this normal-looking paintbrush, the wielder gains the ability to paint anything they can imagine by simply moving the brush back and forth across a flat surface. The painting can include multiple colors and details despite the brush not being dipped in any paint at all. In addition to the artistic advantages of this device, this artifact from the plane of Illust has the power to manifest inanimate objects from a painting three times each day. The manifestation last for only 15 minutes and can ended by using the brush smear the image. A common usage of this power is painting doors on barriers to allow passage through them, but the possibilities are endless.


This paintbrush is one of the unusual items the Archmage Mortimer Akmei brought to Ailosod from the plane of Illust. Illust, home of the Illustrati, does not share the same physics and restrictions as the material plane. Through his studies, Akmei found that objects that were common place in Illust were more limited when brought back to Ailosod, but could still function without creating rifts or other unintended effects.
Imagination and skill have gotten me through many tough spots. Anvils and luck took care of the rest.
- Mortimer Akmei
Item type


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