Kingdom of Elaedia Organization in Ailia (placeholder name) | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Elaedia

Almost entirely elves. Their land is mostly plains near the north border, but becomes gradually more forested as you go south. Doesn't like Dromakor at all, and by extension doesn't really like Velis because those two are friendly with each other. On better terms with Astotha & Chonia. Neutral with Dorwine. They trade with Astotha a lot despite their differences on the magic vs tech issue (Elaedia thinks pure magic is the key to the future, Astotha thinks the only way to progress is to combine magic with technology & gadgets of various kinds). They both still value high-quality fine craftsmanship, and people from one sometimes visit the other to expand their studies.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State

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