Steadfast {High Elves} Ethnicity in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Steadfast {High Elves}

Raiser-of-Cities gave life to the Steadfast with the stone of the Primal Wild. Adamant in nature, ageless and unchanging, they seek their immortality in stone, through the creation of cities. At the dawn of The Mortal Age, they were the kindred who forged the great alliance and created the Regime to make the world their city. As the planners and movers of great projects, the Steadfast recognised themselves as the paramount kindred and dubbed themselves 'high elves.' When the other kindreds abandoned the Regime, however, the high elves could not maintain their dominion alone, and the former greatness of the kindred has fallen into a slow, but inexorable decline.   Modern High Elves tend to assume positions of authority and organisation in mixed societies, weaving their legacy beyond blood. There are almost no exclusively high elf societies left in the world, but every major power has high elf civic planners and administrators somewhere at its heart, high elf artisans, magicians or clerics pushing the frontiers of what is possible, and high elf families commanding a disproportionate degree of status and wealth. Within a particular locale or polity, the high elves form an odd sort of secondary society, competing among themselves to bring their individual influences to bear on society while maintaining an openly united front against barbarism and decadence.   High elves often have a metallic tint to their skin and hair. Traditional high elves favour a particular hairstyle, with cropped or even shaved sides, and a longer - but not very long - centre, but 'the Regime' is less favoured by younger generations. Their eyes are usually light in colour and often almond-shaped.


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