Offices Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The Offices are groups within the Church, and specifically within the Cults, created to address specific, immediate or ongoing issues. The Prime Offices cover what are broadly the core competencies of each cult, while the minor offices address short-term concerns. Their members have significant authority within – theoretically – strict bounds, and the Regents of the Offices - each of whom answers to a specific and sometimes suggestive title - are some of the most individually powerful people in the Republic.  
Office for the Advancement of the Faith
Regent: Primarch of the Message
Cults: Iuva, Tanit, Tinevra   This Office is the primary diplomatic arm of the Church, and thus of the realm. It is responsible, together with civilian diplomats, for maintaining foreign relations, and also for promoting the Church’s creed in other countries.  
Office of the Beginning and the End
Regent: Primarch of the Winding Cloth
Cults: Yaghai, Tinevra   This office maintains the Church’s standards in matters of funerary practice and midwifery. It also governs the exemplars of the Order of the Closed Grave, who hunt the undead.  
Office of Blessed Union
Regent: Primarch of Concord
Cults: Morha, Nissus, Yaghai   Provides celebrants for marriage and naming ceremonies, as well as maintaining the role of births, deaths and marriages.  
Office for Ceremony and Memorial
Regent: Primarch of Glory
Cults: Tanit, Tinevra, Yaghai, Nissus   This Office works with the Eternal Archive to memorialise great deeds and great people. It keeps the roll of saints, heroes and martyrs of the Church, and also oversees the activity of the Bardic Colleges.  
Office for the Common Good
Regent: Primarch of Restoration
Cults: Tanit, Morha   The Office for the Common Good is a hospitaller order that maintains healing shrines and sacred healing sites across the realm, both protecting these sites and controlling access to them.  
Office of Cooperative Action
Regent: Primarch of Fellowship
Cults: Morha, Ilmar   This office is responsible for maintaining bonds of community across the Republic. Its members often work closely with the Office for the Good of the Civic, although taking less interested in formal and urban structures and favouring popular fellowships. It has alleged links to rebel and criminal organisations as part of the cult of Morha's somewhat questionable remit.  
Office for the Devout Houses
Regent: Primarch of Devotion
Cults: Tanit, Morha, Nissus   This office oversees the activities of the Devout Houses, shrines staffed by clergy and lay members of the Church which function as a combination of hostelry, gymnasium, training hall, sanatorium and brothel. They operate under strict codes of conduct, enforced by protectors who include ex-soldiers, deltors and even exemplars of Tanit, to whom all physical endeavours are sacred. The office ensures that the Devout Houses maintain their standards and keep to the rules, and prosecutes the suppression of the illegal, unconsecrated sex trade.  
Office of the Divine Host
Regent: Primarch of the Spears
Cult: Tanit, Iuva, Ilmar   The greatest examplar organisation in the Republic, this Office includes three major orders devoted to the prosecution of holy war (Order of the Lance), the defense of the holy and the pious (Order of the Shield), and punishment of transgressors (Order of the Flail). Unlike the Office for the Precinct of the Temple, the Divine Host includes very few deltors.  
Office of the Doctrine Absolute
  Regent: Primarch of the Flame
Cults: All   Responsible for the prosecution of the Doctrine Absolute, the prohibition on Arcane magic, this is in many ways the most powerful office of all, able to level the kind of accusations, without the need for evidence, which deflect all but the most fearless scrutiny. It incorporates the Search – who conduct regular investigations to find and co-opt Sorcerers into the service of the Church, and more specifically the Office – the Hunt – a paramilitary body that hunts down Arcane practitioners, especially Warlocks – and the Question – an extremist organisation which seeks out hidden Arcane teachings and cracks down on any ceremonial activity outwith absolute orthodoxy, often precipitating jurisdictional clashes with the Office for the Preservation of Purity.  
Office of Ecstasy
Regent: Primarch of Desire
Cults: Morha, Tanit   Despite its name, this office is actually concerned with sexual health, and manages clinics and counselling centres for pregnancy, abortion, adoption and those escaping domestic violence. Many of its consuls work closely with the Office for the Devout Houses.  
Office of the Estates
Regent: Primarch of the Coronet
Cults: Primaruly Iuva   This Office provides chaplains to the Estates and maintains relations between the Church the aristocracy.  
Office of the Eternal Archive
Regent: Primarch of Truth
Cult: Tinevra   The Eternal Archive maintains the libraries and archives of the Church, theoretically containing all the sum of knowledge. It is rumoured that, as part of this duty, they also maintain an archive of Arcane teachings confiscated during and after the War – or rescued from the fires of the Cult of Magic – which the Cult of Tinevra is duty bound neither to disseminate nor to destroy, and which exemplars of the cult often devote themselves to expanding and defending from those who would either use or destroy it.  
Office of Eternal Vigilance
Regent: Primarch of the Watch
Cults: Tanit, Ilmar   This is the office that provides spiritual and military aid to the forces guarding the borders of the realm. This office is especially strong in Malahma and is noted for its avoidance of political matters.  
Office of the Golden Ingot
Regent: Primarch of Merchants
Cults: Ilmar, Morha   This office provides chaplains to the guilds, and liaises with the guild leaderships to maintain Church influence and control over them. They are sometimes rivals, sometimes allies of the Office of the Estates, working to manipulate the class rivalry to the Church’s advantage.  
Office for the Good of the Civic
Regent: Primarch of the Cities
Cult: Ilmar, Morha   This office provides a large number of metropolitan clergy and healers, and takes a keen interest in community affairs. Many of the office’s members are High Elves, who see its work as the direct successor to the Regime.  
Office for Good Health
Regent: Primarch of Health
Cults: Tanit, Ilmar   This Office maintains sanatoriums and hospices, and also arranges athletic training and competitions across the Republic, as part of the Octaval Games, a great tournament held once every eight years in one of the provincial capitals. The Office for Good Health works closely with other hospitaller offices (those whose remit includes medical matters.)  
Office of the Iron Word
Regent: Primarch of Honour
Cults: Ilmar   Small office, whose members are mendicant oath-witnesses, allowing them to exercise control over trade deals and domestic alliances.  
Office for the Lessons of the Past
Regent: Primarch of Memory
Cult: Tinevra   Officially this group – once a minor congregation under the Primarch of Truth – study the past to learn its lessons. It is rumoured, however, that they are responsible for massaging and redacting records of the past to better support the status quo.  
Office for Mechanical Orthodoxy
Regent: Primarch of Artifice
Cults: Ilmar, Iuva   Powerful and influential, this office is responsible for monitoring the work of the Guild of Artificers, and for cracking down on non-Guild artificers. They also oversee all creation of golems and other automata, to ensure that none are created using arcane magic, save that of pious artificers working under strict supervision. The membership of the office includes a number of lay members and priests who are also artificers.  
Office for Oracles and Prophecy
Regent: Primarch of Foresight
Cult: Tinevra, Iuva   Responsible both for the study of prophecy and for forward planning. In particular, this Office assesses prophecy and other divinations for potential threats to the stability and power of the Union.  
Office of the Order of the Realm
Regent: Primarch of Law
Cults: Iuva, Tinevra   Largely concerned with civil government, the consuls of this office form a sprawling civil service across the realm, operating in parallel to the civil government.  
Office for the Ordinances of Obedience
Regent: Primarch of Inquiry
Cult: Tanit, Iuva, Tinevra   Together with the Office for the Redemption of the Fallen and the Office for the Preservation of Church and State, this office maintains domestic order, providing investigators and enforcers to ‘support’ local watches and Estate constables.  
Office of the Pasture
Regent: Primarch of the Herds
Cults: Aster, Tanit   Responsible for managing animal farming resources and promoting the health of farm animals.  
Office of the People
Regent: Primarch of the Halls
Cults: Aster, Iuva   A small congregation which maintains links between local priests and oversees the orthodoxy of village cults. They work closely with the Office of the Doctrine Absolute and Office of Pious Observance, but not always in sympathy with them.  
Office of Pious Observance
Regent: Primarch of Piety
Cults: Iuva   Responsible for maintaining a degree of orthodoxy among the folk cults. Also oversees, in theory, the practices of foreign faiths within the borders of the Republic, and the activities of the Orders of the Forbidden.  
Office of Plenty
Regent: Primarch of the Field
Cults: Aster, Ilmar   Responsible for managing arable resources and maintaining the health of food crops.  
Office for the Precinct of the Temple
Regent: Primarch of the Temple
Cults: All   The principle militant organisation of the Church provides both exemplars and deltors, officially as defenders of the shrines and temples dedicated to Iuva, but also to support the activities of all other parts of the Church. Where the Church chooses to deploy military forces, the majority of them will be members of this Office.  
Office for the Preservation of Church and State
Regent: Primarch of Secrets
Cults: Tinevra, Tanit   This is a secretive office which operates the foreign intelligence services of the Church.  
Office for the Preservation of Purity
Regent: Primarch of Purity
Cults: All (primarily Iuva)   While most Offices concentrare on the extrernal work of the Church, the Office for the Preservation of Purity is concerned with maintaining orthodoxy within the Cults and the other Offices. While the Primarch of Purity is almost invariably drawn from the Cult of Iuva, members of all the cults are recruited to keep a watchful eye on the doings of their fellows. The Office takes particular interest in ensuring that the lesser cults do not foment too much rebellion, while also maintaining the primacy of the cult of magic.  
Office for the Redemption of the Fallen
Regent: Primarch of Redemption
Cults: Iuva, Tanit   Associated with civilian law enforcement, prisons and penal service, the Office for the Redemption of the Fallen includes the Grey Watch, who operate in parallel with local watches to enforce the law of the land, and also operate as part of the Church’s domestic security force.  
Office for the Spirit of Joy
Regent: Primarch of Revels
Cults: Nissus, Morha   This office oversees celebratory customs across the Republic, to ensure that they do not contain elements of proscribed ritual, and that they serve to bolster the spirit and morale of the Republic.  
Office for the Spirit of Libation
Regent: Primarch of the Vine
Cults: Nissus, Aster   This office serves a similar role to other offices of the Agricultural cult, with regard to viticulture, but also oversees the practices of brewing and distilling.  
Office for the Spirit of Riot
Regent: Primarch of Misrule
Cults: Nissus, Morha   Despite its name, this office is officially responsible for the moderation of customs of misrule. Officially.  
Office for the True Gospel
Regent: Primarch of Lies
Cult: Tinevra, Iuva   A group responsible for the dissemination of official history and news across the realm, members of this office also are rumoured to also gather information and act as a domestic intelligence service. They maintain what is said to be the entirely true account of the history of the War of Hubris and the Sacred Republic. Consuls of the Office still work to collect every record of the War.  
Office of Inverted Shadows
Regent: Primarch of Dreams
Cults: Yaghai, Tanit, Tinevra   A small group, this Office is dedicated to the defence of the realm of dreams against malign influences. Its members are primarily dedicated to meditation and action in the Astral Plane.  
Office of the Closed Way
Regent: Primarch of the Gate
Cults: Yaghai, Tanit, Iuva   Dedicated to the prevention of planar intrusions by demons and devils and other evil spirits, this office is responsible for the training of priests and sorcerers in the rites of exorcism, and governs the exemplars of the Order of Banishers.
Religious, Sect


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