Gap of Don Geographic Location in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Gap of Don

The Gap of Don is a broad pass in the mountains to the east of Talahaea, separating the Wall of the World, the northern range, from the Great Shield in the south. At its widest, it is more than a hundred miles across, and despite its name has not been part of Donara since well before the fall of the Mage Sovereigns.   Legend states that Don, the founding hero and first Majister of Donara, created the Gap on his way east past the mountains in search of the secret of immortality, although large numbers of Halflings have travelled through the Gap to reach Talahaea since the fall of Eurosia, suggesting that it may be older than the founding of the Majistry.   As an easy passage between east and west, the Gap is protected on both sides by a range of militarised cultures, including genies, Humans and Tabaxi in the north, and Hobgoblins in the south.


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