Creating a Character in the Empire in Ahtu | World Anvil
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Creating a Character in the Empire


  -Paladin- Knight, Chosen, Guardian they channel the power of their souls to create an aura from which they empower themselves and allies. Masters of many weapons they can also wield this aura offensively smiting their foes. Serving Orders and Nations they dedicate themselves to an Ideal some sharpening their souls to a point others into a bastion.   -Wizards- Tower Mages, Sages, Masters of the Arcane many names and yet all carry the same characteristic studious mastery of Magic. Carrying tomes passed down by their predecessors they add new spells they encounter and burn the ones within into their very mind. A Wizard's magic does not live within the flesh like a Sorcerer or Monk nor inside the soul like Warlocks and Clerics but instead within the mind a Wizard builds a home to house their spells, magic given life within a mind.   -Barbarian- Binder, Devotee, Champions who all carry the will and temperance necessary to fight far beyond the potential of their body. Whether you are carried by your rage, devotion or control you are far sturdier and stronger than your body while these emotions guide you. Unlike the Fighter the Barbarian is at its heart not a master of martial proficiency but exceeding one's limits through emotional heights.   -Warlocks- Cultist, Zealot, Communicant all willing to offer a part of themselves to a patron whether it be a part of their flesh or soul a price must be paid. Patrons come in many shapes and forms Greater Spirits of nature aspects of the world modern and ancient, Beasts and Monsters better left alone whose strength seduces the desperate and Voices that call from the space between objects. Once they earn a gift from this patron a Warlock must offer more to continue down this path. In the end, is what remains even a person?   -Artificer- Crafter, Smith, Seeker from across the Empire they learn the secrets of the world binding these truths into items. Taught in schools and academies across the Empire they take the strengths of magic from all the magical disciplines attempting to unify them. Creating the future with technology, magic and faith it is their design that shapes tomorrow.   -Cleric- Priest, Disciple, Follower all granted power from a source greater than themselves, is what many would tell you, but a Clerics power comes from both the being that they worship and through study the same way a Wizard must make their body a home for their spells a Cleric must make their flesh habitable for their God.   -Monk- Cultivator, Martial Artist, Fundamentalist gathering the magical power that flows across the world into their bodies and reforging it into a tool greater than any other. Monks like Sorcerers are the font of their own power but unlike a Sorcerer a Monk is not born this way they turn their body and mind into a thing from which their will can flow.   -Druid- Shaman, Witch Doctor, Healer dediacted to balancing the Peoples of the world with the natural forces ensuring one never eclipses the other. Similar to a Wizard, Druids study the forces of the world its through their understanding and connection they gain power. Some master their flesh able to take the forms of the beasts of nature, others interact with the spirits of the world drawing spells to themselves.   *Classes not included at this time are still being written (please remind me if yours isn't on the list.)

Current Events (by province)

  -Silvalum- The Northernmost province with a direct connection to the Calorit Sea if not for the Civil War that has divided the province in two it would be the largest province in the Empire.   -Sorobat- The Ancient City of Kahr has called back many of its forces residing along the border to return; we are unsure what diabolical plans are being laid within Kahr.   -Waxo- The discussion of inheritance has risen to the fore after a recent incident in which the old Emperor was seen to have collapsed. Many factions among the nobility are beginning to move.   -Florin- The Amor Ocean stirs as the Sea King calls storms to rack the coasts. To the south all lies still in Ashoya but rumor says they may be moving forces to their south.   -Tlalal- The wood whispers and horns blow on the wings of birds; the Hunt has returned.   -Palince- In the old land of Dwarves stirs the Labyrinthe of Souls beneath Neartem, the Gold Gate has called for it to be sealed once more.


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