A Breakdown of Ahtu in Ahtu | World Anvil
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A Breakdown of Ahtu

-The Osvac Empire
Due to the prevalence of propaganda and a national language morale and national identity are fairly stable. However, in some regions and provinces they retain a greater cultural identity. Schools exist large and small with even the smallest villages having at least someone who teaches the young and the largest cities having academies that can specialize in all sorts of study. Most people within the Empire are Citizens this is the lowest rank in society above this lie the Nobility and Royalty who make up the upper classes.
-The City State of Kahr
In Kahr the people speak a language that is said to be older than any existing nation and most are fiercely loyal to the Living Gods who rule all walks of life within the City State. Life within Kahr is fairly stable and most folk are educated in at least an apprenticeship those born into the Clerical class are generally educated in more worldly matters that relate to what occurs outside the city.
The Goblinoids of Ashoya almost entirely speak Goblin. Few goblins outside of the 9 houses hold loyalty to the nation but band together out of the need to survive. Most people in Ashoya are Untouched not bearing one of the Clan Marks of the 9 Houses. These marks granting their bearers access to the magic of the ancient ruins upon which their nation is built. Lacking formal education for the Untouched who usually learn from their parents and extended family the 9 Houses send their children to the Vault an Academy at the center of the nation.
-The Holloucks
The vast plains and deserts bear many roaming peoples who travel the plains it is rumored there are more languages spoken across the Holloucks than there are people in Kahr. The nomadic people who travel these lands are mostly broken up into more tribal groups whose numbers rarely break 300-500 but a few larger permanent settlements exist as trading centers and centers of powers. Most children born in the Holloucks learn many tasks from a young age studying under their parents and elders.
Within the forests and jungles of Hadria most speak the tongue of plants and animals, but few even live their outside of the few forts constructed by the Empire. The natives of Hadria are rarely seen by any and the few who are known are tribal people.
-The Confederation of Olor
The Confederation of Olor is a nation of many unified people speaking many languages. Many species make up the people of Olor however only those of the 13 Families rule. Most people of Olor are educated in a manner similar to that of the Osvac Empire.

-The Osvac Empire
The political power of the Empire is held almost entirely by the Noble families who rule the provinces and the Royal family who rules the nation. While the nation is fairly unified under a national identity the political parties fall under three main banners the Sapphire Chalice, the Shadowed Court and the Golden Gate. All three named after a namesake artifact controlled by that party. The Sapphire Chalice push an expansionist worldview and the idea that Sorcerers and other inherently magical individuals should be the true nobility. The Shadowed Court is focused more inwardly on matters of policy most Academies and places of Enlightenment receive grants from the Shadowed Court. The Golden Gate has always staunchly backed the Imperial family and the candidates they've backed have almost always made their way to the throne.
-The City State of Kahr
The political agency of Kahr is controlled by entirely by their Gods through the Clerical class who are the more front facing and direct arm in their government. They enact this will through bringing petitions and arguments before their Gods who debate over what should be passed into law. Below the Clerical class lie Divers a warrior class who exist to explore the Gate.
The 9 Houses of Ashoya are locked in a nie constant Cold War in which they eliminate agents and members of the other Houses rarely and silently in an attempt to stop an all-out war. When it comes to enforcing the law the only safe places within Ashoya are those directly under one of the 9 Houses otherwise the only law is the one made by the communities that exist in those areas.
-The Holloucks
Within the Holloucks there exist as many political bodies as there are families, but they stand unified in one task and that is the defense of the Holloucks. They remember when all this land was once ruled by a cruel empire, and they seek to never face that again. Laws are generally traditional values and beliefs passed down by their ancestors and are tied tightly to their religions.
Within the forts at the edge of the jungle military law is what stands but in the deep woods few know what goes on.
-The Confederation of Olor
Founded by the remaining 13 Clans who survived the purge long ago the rulers of Olor rule with an iron fist. Laws are passed by the Council the ruling body that elects the Overlord who is the figurehead of the nation and its greatest weapon. The 13 Clans all represent their own interests when but usually the interests of Olor are aligned.

-The Osvac Empire
The Empire is economically the powerhouse on the continent using a centralized minting system controlled by the Imperial family from the Waxo province. Having a centralized minting system allows the government to control the flow of money and establish set prices across the empire for basic necessities. Allowing more standardized prices has allowed the Empire to focus on pushing more people out of the fields and into the academies. The coins of the Empire bear the face of the current Emperor/Empress(Gold), the Minister of War(Silver), and the Minister of Law(Copper).
-The City State of Kahr
Within Kahr the people live under an Agrarian economic system in which most goods are purchased through the trade of food. Development, or infrastructure paid for by civilians would be paid through inherited intergenerational wealth or through favors and debts. Divers and Clerics tend to use actual coin, but they rarely interact with civilians. The little coin used within Kahr is marked with the faces of Katae and Tohor(Electrum).
Within Ashoya the only economic structures could be described as Traditional these economic structures are based on merit and an odd structure in which it usually goes to a few individuals. In traditional economic structures it is expected that the person who receives the lion's share of wealth is to pass it along sharing amongst those they know.
-The Holloucks
While the Holloucks have access to the Empires markets and even use their coin they maintain a mix of Agrarian and Traditional economies that lead to a confusing map for any traders/merchants looking to expand their routes. Within the few large cities that exist in the Holloucks they have their own private minting for coins. The coins made in the Holloucks bear no Lords or Ladies only bearing the similar metals of gold, silver and copper with a hole punched through the center so it can be strung upon line or onto a spindle.
If an economy exists here, it has never been observed or described.
-The Confederation of Olor
Within Olor they have their own centralized government minting their own coins this allows them to have an economy capable of handling the internalized nature of Olor's society. The economic structure and incentives are designed to keep most people in Olor. The coins of Olor all bear the image of the first Overlord and are made of the similar metals of gold, silver and copper.

- The Osvac Empire
When it comes to religion the Empire has many local customs and deities the only ones that could be said to be universal are the Sun the Moon and natural events like storms and flooding. The uniting factor across these religions is what is called the Imperial Doctrine which is a method of interacting with these local deities in a manner that is approved through the Ministry of Ritual.
- The City State of Kahr
Religion is the focal point of Kahrian society their rulers are gods and those who enact their will across the city are their children and priests. The dual leaders of Kahr are Tohor an Aspect of the Guiding Moon and Katea Aspect of the Purifying Sun these leaders are Gods who survived the Severing and destruction of many Divine Domains.
- Ashoya
When the Gods died the Goblinoids were finally able to throw off the shackles of Divine oppression that they were bound in now free they Goblins of Ashoya have decried all religion within its borders. While some young Goblinoids seek out the strength that can be garnered from faith the old guard who still remember remain.
- The Holloucks
Within the Holloucks many revere the Aspects of nature, and many tribes have their own Patrons who bless them. Within the cities that dot the plains great temples are built to honor the Patrons of residing tribes. Across the plains their also exist important religious sites that are ruins from older civilizations.
- Hadria
Within the jungles and forests whispers speak not of a religion as understood by the Empire but of a reverence for nobility specifically the King and Queen.
- The Confederation of Olor
Within Olor religion outside of the faiths maintained by each of the 13 Clans is abhorred. For Olor was founded by the first Overlord who slew a God just north of their coast creating the Calorit Sea as we now know it.

- The Osvac Empire
The Empires military made up of volunteers and is structured into a strict hierarchy that is under the control of the Ministry of War these forces that are spread across the Empire these are split into 4 legions one for each of the 4 Cardinal directions. These would be the Torch, Scythe, Shield, and Lance. Each of these legions are specialized in their task and for the foes they faced at their creation.
- The City State of Kahr
Kahr doesn't have a military in the classical sense but through a combination of the policing forces of the Clerics and the Divers they are capable of defending their city. Direction of these combined forces falls under Katae when the city is besieged.
- Ashoya
Within Ashoya the each of the 9 Houses fund and control their own private militaries. Much of the military is made up of casters within Ashoya.
- The Holloucks
Within the Holloucks militaries are fairly unorganized in which the large ones are united forces of many tribes that lack a greater coordination but are made up of the forces of hundreds of tribes' warriors.
- Hadria
The raiders who strike from the depths of the jungle carry an unknown origin what little is known is spoken of in hushed whispers.
- The Confederation of Olor
Within Olor the military is made up of volunteers and the forces of each of the 13 Clans who offer their specialized forces to the Overlord. The Overlord is only allowed to enact the Rite of Prognostication when Olor could be considered truly endangered, the Rite grants the Overlord complete control over all facets of the nation.


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