The Merchant Guilds of Vesmos Organization in Aheila | World Anvil
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The Merchant Guilds of Vesmos

There are seven Merchant Guilds of Vesmos, each ruled by a Guild Master, commonly known as the Seven Merchant Princes.     The Blacksmiths' Guild controls the flow of iron and ore in and out of the city. All armorers, farriers, and weapon-smiths must register with the guild and give them a cut of the profit. In turn, the guild provides a forge and workspace for every member and a storefront for their goods.   The Tailors' Guild manages the work of seamstresses, dyers, tanners, and weavers, helping to procure exotic dyes and cloths for their members. They have a few stores set up around the market where members can sell their wares and arrange for trade between professions, helping seamstresses and tailors buy fabrics and goods from the dyers, tanners, and weavers.   The Woodworkers' Guild oversees logging, carving and all woodwork in the city. Their main source of income is in ship building and repair. They organize laborers and purchase lumber from the towns in The Wandering Woods in exchange for membership fees.   The Stonemasons Guild manages construction and building-repair in the city. They help their members find jobs in and around Isomor and ensure the safe delivery of raw materials from the quarries in The Razor's Edge.   The Jewelers Guild requires anyone trading or making jewelry to register with them. They train their own appraisers that inspect the quality of precious gems brought from the mines of The Razor's Edge as well as from across the Sea of Gold.   The Mercenaries' Guild organizes warriors, explorers, and adventurers of all kinds to help them find profitable work, in exchange for a yearly fee. Those in need of a mercenary also pay a fee to have their job advertised to the Guild. Unlike the other guilds, the Mercenaries' Guild does not require anyone to join it, but most in the line of work find it an immensely valuable service. Upon joining the Mercenaries' Guild, each member is required to serve one month on the border between Vesmos and The Howling Plains.   The Thieves' Guild manages all crime in the city, organizing it and keeping it under control while taking a cut every step of the way. With no real headquarters, the Thieves Guild operates in complete secrecy through anonymous notes and covert meetings. Any thief, assassin, conman or thug found operating in the city pays fealty to the Thieves' Guild or suffers the consequences.

Public Agenda

The Merchant Guilds keep order in Vesmos and ensure the prosperity of the country. They are there to provide stability to artisans and tradesmen and assure that wealth continues to circulate for the benefit of all.
Founding Date
Year 142
Guild, Merchant
Controlled Territories

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