Phoenix, The Blessed Pinion Character in Agoria | World Anvil

Phoenix, The Blessed Pinion

Rebirthing Flame, The Pinion Mother, The Purifier, The Eternal

Phoenix is a goddess of Birds, Fire, Rebirth, Sky and Sun. As guardian over rebirth, Phoenix is the one who instilled knowledge of revival magic into all beings, giving them the ability to bring back those most dear. Besides gifting the ability of magic, Phoenix will also rarely bring back those who have passed if their quest was just enough and the world under his domain needed their help. Due to the harvesting of Phoenix Downs and Pinions on previous worlds, the deity does not travel to the material plane often, instead allowing the races to craft these items through magical means rather than from his own self or that of his kin. Phoenix also caters to the power of the sun and the fire it has within the sky   Depicted as a great fiery bird, Phoenix has several pinions and feathers covering his body, which contain the power of flame and revival. Early conceptions of the bird were also that it was made entirely of fire.   Phoenix's propensity to bring back mortals to the world often brings her in conflict with some of the other deities, particularly the elemental deities who seek to ensure the "proper" flow of aetheric balance who see resurrection as something which interrupts the rightful flow of aether, time or destiny. However, followers of Phoenix maintain that The Blessed Pinion only saves those whose presence in the world will set it upon its right course.    Worshipers of Phoenix are devout casters of revival magic, bringing back the recently dead if their souls are deemed to be pure. Cleansing fire is also sought after when following this deity.

Divine Domains

Fire, Good, Healing, Sun

Tenets of Faith

Seek out those places where life is in danger or waining and bring Phoenix's light to them. Purify those places ravaged by death and destruction, so new life might grow.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Neutral Good


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