Hydaelyn Character in Agoria | World Anvil


(a.k.a. The Mother Crystal)

One of the two originator deities, Hydaelyn is the greater goddess of light, life, creation and order constructed from the same aetheric mists that gave birth at the same time to her opposite, Zodiark. Hydaelyn, unlike Zodiark and Minerva as the two other greater deities, is often worshipped more directly by mortal beings, particularly in the Holy Kingdom of Valmere whose Aetheric Orthodoxy venerate her as the blessed deity whom brought new life into the world and marked the transition from Age of Sorrows to Age of Rebirth hundreds of years after the Calamity. However, her temples tend to also have shrines within them that give offerings to Zodiark as an appreciation of the dualism of the two which constructs reality, and Minerva who's essence maintains the fabric of creation.   What makes Hydaelyn somewhat distinct from the other two Greater deities has been her willingness to interact with mortals throughout history in some way. The reasons for this more direct interaction with mortals is unknown, given it is understood that she was originally much like Zodiark in that she represented a primeval energy or force rather than a being with desire or thought. And yet, her interaction with the mortal races throughout history speaks to a kind of transformation or evolution throughout her existence.    It is common to refer to Hydaelyn as the "Mother Crystal" and in many cultures she is portrayed as a deeply material figure, guiding and protecting her "children" through difficult times.

Divine Domains

Law, Good, Healing, Repose, Holy
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Good


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