Alexander, The Divine Judge Character in Agoria | World Anvil

Alexander, The Divine Judge

(a.k.a. The Iron Colossus, Kingdom Protector)

Alexander is the Lawful Good God of Cities, Divinity, Judgment, Law, Protection and Trials. He is perhaps one of the least living looking gods of all, mostly seen as a construct or weapon by most sentient beings. Rather than taking on a humanoid visage (or even animal) like many of the other deities, Alexander has often implanted himself within within the world, forming his body into that of castles or entire cities for his subjects to live around and for him to ultimately protect from evil. Alexander's most famous visage is that of a set of feathered angelic wings surrounding and defending an ancient castle. This image has recurred throughout history, where summoners have been known to be able to infuse the divine essence of Alexander into great structures to offer them protection in the time of their greatest need. He is said to only respond to pure beings whole truly deserve such protection.   Those who follow Alexander most often worship him for protection, and to uphold the laws of whatever kingdom they reside within. Often knocking out any wrongdoers to have them undergo proper trial procedure, Alexander and his worshippers are strict judges of both legal and spiritual matters. Somewhat less commonly, Alexander has also been depicted as a kind of angelic-mechanical construct of sorts, representing some of the lesser-worshipped aspects of him as a creator deity or one associated with the industry of the city.   Most understand Alexander to have been directly made from a fragment of Hydaelyn's crystalline form - a being that she wilfully produced to protect her most treasured children across the mortal realm of Agoria. He acts as a beacon of her grace and protection.    The largest Temple to Alexander across all of Agoria is located with the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Valmere, Riverdell. Known as the Cathedral of the Iron Colossus, it is a remarkably grand structure with beautiful metallurgy built into the architectural design and built into the royal palace itself.

Divine Domains

Artifice, Good, Law, Protection

Holy Books & Codes

The 17 Judgements: A Holy text filled with a total of 17 parables, each of which culminates in a quasi-legal judgement spoken by a mortal said to be a vessel of Alexander. Each of these stories speaks to the virtues of law, endurance through hardship, modesty and righteousness that embody the divine grace of Alexander. Those particularly devoted to Alexander are likely to carry a small personal copy of the The 17 Judgements on their person.

Tenets of Faith

Self-sacrifice in the service of others, whether it be family, community, or Kingdom, is a righteous action. Vanquish evil where it arises and pass judgement on those whom would willingly harm or exploit those weaker than themselves. Offer the possibility of redemption to evildoers, but do not be blinded by falsehoods: understand that sometimes true redemption may only come in death for the souls of the truly fallen.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Alexander seeks to offer protection to those that, whilst perhaps not physically strong, demonstrate themselves to be spiritually so. He seeks to rid the world of evil and tyrannical rule, placing wise and noble rulers as rightful leaders. For Alexander, peace and stability are the highest aims, but may only truly be achieved through order.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization


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