Radgab Ruvenar Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil

Radgab Ruvenar

male neutral good goblin tracker and guide

Radgab was a goblin tracker, scout, and adventurer of some renown who lived in the early decades of the Sixth or Current Age of Azocar. He hailed from from the Severin Hills in the Elysian province of the Hearthspring on Taszerania. However, his travels took him all over the continent.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Years

Even before the Hordes game, numerous clans of goblins and other goblinoids had established long-term homes all throughout the foothills southwest of the Ice Lords. These had learned to coexist with the more structured societies of the Elysian province of the Hearthspring. And, while some of these clanfolk found themselves on the aggressor side of the Hordes, those that survived the Wars made their ways home to reestablish the previous status quo. Radgab Ruvenar was born there not long before the Horde Wars began.  

From Scout to Adventurer

When he was just 15 years old, Radgab began taking work as a guide and scout in and around the hill ranges of his homeland. He proved to be an adept and observant scout and these abilities lead to greater pursuits for the young adult goblin. He became a trusted ally of the Stormhold Blades guildhouse from Eldevar and found him taking on more and more work for them. THis eventually to his involvement in the efforts to thwart the activities of the Cult of the Dragon in the latter years of the second decade of the Current Age.

Morality & Philosophy

Whenever he was working to guide others where they asked to go, Radgab was always protective of his charges. This trait extended to anyone he viewed unable to help themselves. And, to those who didn't know him and might thusly make assumptions about his character, his ancestry belied his penchant of treating all those he met with respect and dignity. At times though, he was so self-assured about the significance of his destiny that it blinded him to those shortcomings he did have and even the risks of failure.
neutral good
Date of Birth
5 bCA
green, worn short and braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark green
3' 2"
65 lbs


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